SGA Executive Board Members at a meeting on September 18th, 2017.-Staff Photo/Jaryd Leady
The Rowan University Student Government Association (SGA) met the first day back after Thanksgiving break, in the Eynon Ballroom.
The biggest piece on the docket was the de-chartering of five clubs. Club de-chartering can occur for a variety of infractions, including missing general Senate meetings or even failing to properly update the organization’s proflink page. The clubs that were de-chartered were Bringing Hope Home, the Intersectional Feminist Collective and Mortar Board. Two clubs, on the other hand, had members show up to represent their clubs and attempt to save their charter with the university.
The two clubs were the Rowan Auto Club and the Student Athletic Advisory Council (SAAC). Both did not know their clubs were going to be de-chartered, having missed several meetings over the past semester. One member from each defended their club, first up Anthony Morris from the Auto Club.
Morris went up and spoke for about five minutes defending his club. He was talking about all the activities they are involved in and how they have a big effect on the community and university as a club.
“There’s a huge community in the car scene and it’s great to be able to meet new people and have people who can help you out when you have problems with your car,” Morris said.
Morris left the room after speaking, allowing a discussion to develop among senators as to whether they should keep their charter.
After the discussion wrapped up, a vote concluded that the club would keep their charter but as protocol states, they were placed on a 90-day probation period. This period is to make sure they are serious about keeping their charter, in which they are not allowed to have points against their club during that time.
The other club that backed up their case was the Student Athletic Advisory Committee (SAAC). The debate for their club was a little lighter, allowing for a quick vote for them to keep their charter. SAAC allows athletes to still enjoy the sports they play while supplying a place to talk and coordinate with other athletes.
Another item on the agenda were talks about the fund balance that SGA has acquired over time. SGA accounted for $1.68 million in excess funds they plan to invest in future undetermined events. They are open to ideas from other members of SGA, senators and other members of the Rowan community.
“The fund balance is something that is put on the back burner, so executive boards never decide to use it, so we have to choose do we find the need to do it,” said Chief Financial Officer Rob O’Leary.
The SGA will not make any quick decisions for the funds, but they do plan to move some of the money into student activities.
Smaller items included appointing new members to the Colleges of Engineering, Education, Earth and Environment, and Senator at Large. The by-law (403-01) Club Charter Procedure from the last meeting was clarified and passed as well.
The SGA also announced future possible changes in the Constitutional Amendments to Articles IV, V and VII. Voting will occur next meeting of the SGA.
SGA will meet again on Monday, Dec. 11 in the Eynon Ballroom at 7 p.m. for the last meeting of the semester before winter break and just before the start of finals.
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