Editorial: Give. Some are less fortunate this holiday season

Editorial: Give this holiday season. -Photo from pixabay.com

It’s the most wonderful time of the year.

According to some, that’s what the holidays in December mean to them: a time to spend with family and friends. To celebrate the good. To reconcile the bad and make resolutions for the new year.

Many of us take the time to count our blessings. While it’s nice to buy gifts for family, one big way to “give” this holiday season is to give to someone we might not know.

Take the extra time to deliver some cans to your local food bank, or even Rowan’s SHOP. For some, the end of the year is a huge time of budget crunching. Many families might be eating less.

“Adopt” a child and buy them gifts. Many churches and non-profit organizations “adopt” children who are in hospitals over the holidays. Participate in this. The children usually create a wish list and a donor can buy them some gifts that create holiday cheer.

There are also ways to help others even if you don’t feel you have the financial means. Volunteer at a soup-kitchen that serves Christmas dinner.

Bake some cookies for your local police force, EMS services or firefighters. Take it to their office as a way to say thank you for your service.

Be kind! People get stressed during the holiday season. Even though you might be too, taking the extra time to smile at someone or ask them how they’re doing goes a long way.

Give a Christmas gift to your mail carrier. That individual manages to get your mail to you every day of the year — snow or shine. By simply giving them some tea or writing a card is a small gesture that can go a long way.

Hold a charity event! If you sell t-shirts you design, vow to give 10 percent of your proceeds to a charity you care about.

When you’re shopping for your relatives, shop at stores that participate in free trade. Not only are these gifts generally masterfully crafted, but they also help support workers in developing nations.

Donate your old coats to the Salvation Army or Goodwill. Winter is cold in New Jersey. By giving that coat that sits in the back of your closet to a local charity, this can help ensure someone else stays warm throughout the holiday.

Regardless of the means, giving to others could be someone else’s greatest Christmas or Hanukkah gift this season. Some are less fortunate.

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