Jasek: How you can Prepare for Finals Week

Senior Elizabeth Jasek shares her tips on preparing for finals week. - Photo via Pixabay.com

I returned to campus on Sunday, still stuffed from all the turkey and mashed potatoes I ate on Thanksgiving. For the first time this semester, I dreaded coming back and maybe I could blame my senioritis, but I know this is a mutual feeling among all college students right now. 

It is 10 degrees colder, 5 p.m. feels like 9 p.m., and the academic workload is ridiculous. 

It’s that time of the year again – finals are swiftly creeping up on us before winter break. We’re in this together and I have listed some tips to get you through finals week. 

Be Organized & Plan it Out

Write down your finals schedule and final paper due dates. Plan it out and be proactive. Do not procrastinate until the day off to write a five-page paper. Cramming is never smart, and will not get you an A. 

Personally, I use Google Excel, color-coordinating classes with their final date and times. Once a final is completed, I will cross it out–and it feels quite rewarding.    

Eliminate Distractions

Put your phone on do not disturb, or even better, turn it off to maximize your studying time. You won’t be worrying about who just snapped you if you hear your phone vibrate.  

Play soft music or white noise in the background to avoid hearing loud roommates. I know if I hear my roommates laughing or in conversation, I feel obligated to join them. However, music helps me stay focused on studying or writing a paper. 

Take Breaks

Study, but do not over study. Take a break and revisit the material in a little while. This does not mean go play COD for the rest of the night, but sit back and relax. Watch one episode of your favorite TV show. 

Season 4 of “Selling Sunset” recently came out on Netflix, and I know that’ll be my study-break show. 

Take Advantage of Office Hours

Not quite 100% sure on a question? Go ask the professor, and take advantage of their office hours. It will make you look great as a student by properly preparing for the final and putting in that extra effort. 

Sleep & Eat Well

Get a full night of sleep before finals, a minimum of seven hours of sleep. I like to wear my Apple Watch while sleeping since it records sleep data, so I can see if I’m getting enough sleep.

Be sure to eat something in the morning to give you fuel for your day. I recommend making overnight oats or eggs with toast. Don’t forget to stay hydrated as well.  

I’ve used these tips and strategies throughout my entire college career, and have not gotten a final grade lower than a B+. I know it is a stressful time, but it will pass. Stay organized, plan it out, and be prepared. 

Winter break and the holidays are so close, let’s finish on a strong note and enjoy the month break we have. I wish my fellow Profs the best of luck on finals. 

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