Rowan University. -Multimedia Editor/Miguel Martinez
I am approaching my final days here at Rowan University and wanted to use my last column at the Whit to reflect. I first want to thank my friend and former editor in chief, Kyle Sullender, for bringing me on board with The Whit. I would also like to thank current editor in chief Ashleigh Albert for doing a terrific job with the paper and making my writing sound intelligent.
Looking back on my college career, I realize that there are people in my life that I owe my success to. I want to give a special thanks to my sister Brittany, my parents and my girlfriend, Emily, for continuously pushing me to be the best I possibly can be. I love all of you so much and could not have made it this far without you. And to my parents—thank you for blessing me with this opportunity to receive an education, and for teaching me so much more about life than school ever could have.
Until Rowan, I was never a good student. In high school I was in the bottom 50% of my class. While in community college, I contemplated dropping out on multiple occasions. I thought that college was not for me. I did not know that I was capable of being a “good student.” When I transferred to Rowan, I changed my outlook on school and gave everything my best. I am now proudly graduating with honors.
Over the past two years, I have written about a lot of important topics for The Whit. But, the most important thing that I will ever say is this—if you want something bad enough, just go and do it. The only person stopping you from what you want to do in life is yourself. Anything is possible if you put the time in and work hard.
Abraham Lincoln once said, “That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well.” We all have the opportunity to be successful; only some seize that opportunity.
To the class of 2018, congratulations and I wish nothing but the best for every single one of you. Work hard, and make your dreams come true.
It has been a great honor being able to have my thoughts published for people to read. Whether you agreed or disagreed with what I was saying, I thank you all for reading.
I want to end this with one more quote, this time by Ben Franklin: “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”
I have spent the last two years writing something worth reading, and now I am going to try my best to do something worth writing.
For questions/comments about this editorial, email editor@thewhitonline.com or tweet @TheWhitOnline.