Rowan University Health and Exercise Science professor, Dr. Jeremy Boyd has started Trifecta Therapeutics a individualized physical therapy office in downtown Glassboro. -Photo courtesy of trifectatherapeutics.com
Owning a new physical therapy office while working as a health and exercise science professor at Rowan University, Dr. Jeremy Boyd has his hands full.
Trifecta Therapeutics started out as a dream during Boyd’s senior year of high school when he began gathering equipment as Christmas presents. Approximately 10 months ago, that dream became a reality.

“I started Trifecta after years of planning after I found I got into PT school as a senior in high school,” Boyd said. “It was just a thought at that point of one day owning my own practice because I liked the idea of creating something and growing it. Fast forward a couple of years and a lot of different names/concepts, I began to take action on the idea.”
Opening in December 2017, Trifecta Therapeutics has been operating to help patients get back to playing the sports they love through a one-on-one individualized care system.
“As the physical therapist my job is to perform a thorough evaluation of the client to determine what is restricting them and causing their pain or limitations,” Boyd said. “Following that I create a plan with them on how we are going to address the limitations and get them back to what they love to do. That consists of prescribing exercises, providing education on their condition/what they need to do or even just giving them confidence and hands-on therapy such as joint manipulations and soft tissue techniques.”
Boyd was accepted into Stockton College for physical therapy, earning his undergraduate and doctorate degrees. He later attended Temple University for his orthopedic residency, gaining experience to better treat patients with musculoskeletal injuries, which involve bones, muscles, tendons, etc.
For two years, Boyd has taught health and exercise science as a professor, specifically with the Human Performance in the Clinical settings department. Not only does he teach Exercise Physiology, but he also gives his students the chance to gain hands-on experience through his numerous internship opportunities at Trifecta.
Nicole Fickas, a senior marketing major, got the opportunity to intern for Trifecta.
“I have already learned so much through my internship at Trifecta,” Fickas said. “With this opportunity, I get to apply the skills I have learned in my classes along with my creativity. Learning marketing theory in a controlled classroom setting is one thing, but having the chance to use these techniques in a real-world setting is invaluable. This internship is not making copies and staring at excel sheets; it is helping to generate new ideas and solutions and seeing them brought to life.”
Trifecta is not only helping physical therapy students, but other majors expand their knowledge and gain actual real-world experience.
“Dr. Boyd’s patient and personalized care is unmatched,” Fickas added. “His innovative recovery and training techniques make coming into Trifecta exciting every day. My job is in the marketing side of operations, but I still have the chance to witness the action. People who come to Trifecta always leave motivated and happy. I’ve never seen a patient leave the practice frustrated or discouraged.”
Boyd spent many years creating and expanding on a dream, which has now manifested into a physical therapy office helping hundreds heal through comfortable and individualized sessions.
“With residency training, mentorship, and classes, I was able to specialize in Sports, Orthopedics, and Manual Therapy, thus the trifecta,” Boyd said. “The number 3 was my number in sports, and I am also the third of 3 ‘Boyd Bros’ so it fits. On top of that, I am half Egyptian, so the pyramid/triangle was always fond of me. Combine all that and boom, you get Trifecta.”
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