The Rowan University sign covered in snow. -Multimedia Editor/Miguel Martinez
The holiday season brings joy and happiness, coming together as a family and celebrating being with one another. But there are people who are less fortunate and don’t get the joy of the holiday season.
The holidays are more than expecting gifts and enjoying the company of loved ones, it’s about giving back to the community and helping those that are less fortunate. Many people don’t realize how many people are in need within their own community or know of ways to help.
Here are some organizations and volunteer opportunities to help someone in need this holiday season.
AFT Hat and Gloves Donation Drive
“The AFT’s Community Awareness Committee is sponsoring a New Hat and GLove Drive to benefit the Glassboro Headstart Center,” said Octavia Nash, academic adviser for the University Advising Services. “Headstart promotes school readiness of children under five through education, health, social and other services.”
The donation drive runs until Monday, Dec. 17, allowing students from all over campus to participate in the cause by boxing up donations and dropping them off at locations all around campus.
To find a list of donation drop boxes check out the latest Rowan Announcer.
Happily Better After
Happily Better After is a creative consulting group built of men and women to come together and help those to challenge aspects within their everyday lives. Through the Better Give Back Foundation, they are working towards engaging students and others to help grow communities, schools and human kind.
“The Better Give Back Foundation, Inc is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that prides in being a creative, millennial-inspired resource to students and families, starting within the town of Glassboro, NJ,” wrote Happily Better After on their homepage. “Our current projects include the Bags of Love Project, Lay Pantry Clothing Drive, The Two/Forty-Seven Experience Home, Random Acts R Us and the Creatives on Campus Scholarship Fund!”
To check out more about Happily Better After and The Better Give Back Foundation go to Happily Ever After’s homepage.
The Angels Community Outreach
“My mission is to provide clothing, food, pet food, toiletries and more to those in need,” wrote founder Katelyn Darrow on their homepage. “The Angels Outreach is set up in a storefront in Pitman, where referred clients can shop at no cost.”
The Angels Community Outreach comes together with local churches, shelters and agencies to help those who are financially unstable. They are working to relieve the financial stress from families through providing everyday essentials.
To learn more about The Angels Community Outreach and when their donation drives are visit their website.
Rowan Little Owls Service Project
“Rowan Students will be able to attend the Rowan Little Owls Preschool on various days throughout the semester, and work with the children on crafts and projects to teach the kids about service in their community,” wrote the Office of Volunteerism, Community Engagement & Commuter Services on Proflinks. “This benefits both the Rowan student, and preschool child through themes of service and giving back to their community!”
The Rowan Little Owls Service Project hosts events year round to have students come together and help preschoolers with projects and crafts, creating a connection with the Rowan and Glassboro communities.
The next, and last, event of the fall semester is Thursday, Dec. 13 from 9 to 11 a.m. To check out more about the program or to volunteer go to Proflink.
With finals, papers and the eagerness to get home for the holidays, we can’t forget about those that are in need. Whether it be donating that extra dollar after buying a coffee or dropping off canned goods to the local food shelter, there are many ways to get involved and help those in need this holiday season.
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