Photos taken by Staff Photographers Anthony Medina and Amanda Palma.
Students convened in the ballroom on Saturday, Feb. 20 to experience a night in Paris.
This year’s annual Winter Ball started out with a classy reception where students enjoyed delicious food and various beverages and delicious food. While they waited for the doors to open, students also got to pose with props and signs that read “oooh la la” or “sacre bleu” in the photo booth. Once the doors opened, students entered into a magical night in Paris. Each table was beautifully decorated with
Once the doors opened, students entered into a magical night in Paris. Each table was beautifully decorated with French-themed centerpieces. Before dinner was served students could dance to the music, or even have a caricature drawn of themselves.
After the gourmet dinner and sweet dessert, the lights dimmed and students crowded on the dance floor to dance away the night.