Rowan University students were given their first glimpse of the candidates for the 2016-2017 Student Government Associations’ president, vice president and chief financial officer positions. Moderated by the current SGA President Anthony Wohlrab, the aspirant SGA Executive Board members fielded questions from the current SGA Executive Board, those in attendance and tweets that were streaming in under the Rowan SGA twitter handle.
The SGA presidential candidates include junior, psychology major Kenneth Wyche and junior, communication studies major Daniel Cardona.
Wyche is keen on creating a quality experience for all undergraduate students at Rowan University through creating a more active student government on campus that sponsors more events, an increase in the variety of food options, a closer relationship between the university administration and the student body and amending rigid marijuana and upperclassmen drinking policies, for on-campus housing.
Cardona cites that his experience as a Peer Referral and Orientation Staff (PROS) member and a Resident Assistant on campus readies himself for the SGA President’s position. Cardona is passionate about positively influencing the student body, creating wider connections with the Rowan Community, increasing accessibility with the mental health services in the Wellness Center and relieving the congestion of the REC center by proposing a second building.
The vice presidential candidates are Nicole Santos, junior, business management major and Rbrey Singleton, freshman, political science major.
Santos served last year as a senator for the sophomore class of 2017 and believes that through her experiences, she has learned the potential impact that SGA has for the student body and the community. By piquing the interest of more students in the merits of being involved in SGA, Santos hopes for SGA’s growth and the overall success through her efforts as vice president.
Singleton vows to be a representative for the students and bring concrete change to the campus. Being the mouthpiece for the marginalized on campus and having experience as a vocal senator in SGA, Singleton would like to use his qualities and capabilities to further the mission of SGA.
Running for the position of chief financial officer are junior, accounting and finance major Jason Dear and junior, finance and management information systems major Lucy Yao.
Dear would like to bring a level-headed approach to his duties as chief financial officer and to uphold the achievements of the current CFO, Alexcia Mazahreh. A pragmatist by nature, Dear would like to maintain stability in the CFO role and to keep an open mind in the issues that SGA faces.
Yao’s goal as chief financial officer is to allocate the budget so that each club can receive their desired budget and to effectively lower the cost, at the same time. To expand and improve SGA, Yao is determined to bring in sponsorship and contacts in the interest of networking.
The elections are open from March 8, 2016 at 12:00 a.m. through March 10, 2016 at 11:59 p.m. Voting for the positions of president, executive vice president, chief financial officer and recording secretary will take place on Proflink.