Staying home is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19. - Photo courtesy of usatoday.com
The world right now is in utter mayhem. Entire countries are quarantined. The Earth feels apocalyptic.
COVID-19 is sweeping across all nations. Beginning in China, the virus has now directly affected me. I haven’t contracted the killer virus, not yet at least, but the state of New Jersey is under a State of Emergency. All schools moved classes remotely. My favorite semester I have ever had at Rowan University came to a screeching halt.
Not only am I stuck at home for a spring break that is perpetual, but everything is closed besides grocery stores and other essential businesses. For good measure, I understand why. The importance of everybody staying home as much as possible is critical to society at large.
Really, it is awfully selfish of people to assume they would survive and venture into the public. What most people don’t understand is that even though their odds of making it through the literal global pandemic may be high, others — like babies, the elderly and people with compromised immune systems — don’t have a high chance at all.
I am very concerned for the people around me, which is why I am doing my part to the best of my ability. I’m done going out in public — not that there is much to do anyway with businesses being closed — I am washing my hands like I am getting paid for it and I continuously Clorox and Lysol the house daily. It is not worth the risk.
Though I am deeply saddened to have to adjust coming home from my favorite year of college early, and a little bit afraid of what is in store for the upcoming days, weeks and months ahead, there are alternatives to keep busy.
Just because I can’t go to my favorite restaurants anymore, I can still order takeout every now and again, since that is still allowed. I can still make nice dinners with my family; we have coffee at home; we have ice cream at home. Look on the bright side.
My favorite shows still play on the television at night, I can still have a bonfire in my backyard, I have all three “Godfather” movies to keep me entertained, I can still watch all of the presidential debates, I can go for walks and I can still teach my mom Zumba and yoga. All of these things haven’t been canceled, so no further adjustments are needed.
American immunologist Dr. Anthony Fauci has been all over the news. I have tried my best to keep up with his thoughts, comments and concerns.
Americans are “going to have to hunker down significantly more” in order to combat this virus that is taking thousands of lives across the globe, Fauci said.
Many will argue that we are overreacting to a virus that somewhat mimics the flu and that nothing bad is going to happen, including President Donald Trump at first. It was only less than a week ago he made the statement of global pandemic on everyone’s television screen. Now, even Trump was tested for the virus, which came back with negative results.
I see it on Twitter, I hear it from a few of my friends. I would rather be safe than sorry, much like Dr. Fauci said.
“I think we should really be overly aggressive and get criticized for overreacting,” he said.
It is important to do so, because it is crucial to almost everyone’s health that our healthcare systems are not overwhelmed. Italy has to ration their resources, deciding who will survive and who will not, due to how fast the virus infected their nation.
As Americans, we want to get ahead of that by “flattening the curve,” a term that everyone hears on news right now. Staying home and staying clean are the most heroic things to do at the moment so that hospitals and other clinics can take care of patients properly without being flooded all at once.
I am doing my part. Are you doing yours?
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