Helena Perray
The Ric Edelman College of Communication and Creative Arts’ Public Relations senior capstone class, “PR Case Studies,” is hosting a one-hour panel discussion, “Living Economic Justice,” in conjunction with National Financial Literacy Month. - Photo via Pixabay.com
The Edelman College of Communication and Creative Arts’ Public Relations senior capstone class, “PR Case Studies,” will host a one-hour panel discussion, “Living Economic Justice,” under the direction of Dr. Alison Novak and in conjunction with National Financial Literacy Month in April. This discussion will focus on how to build economic institutions of fairness, equality and economic success.
Economic justice is the concept that an economy will be more successful if it acts fairly toward its citizens. Concepts of economic justice include universal basic income, gender and race income equality, equal employment and credit opportunities and allowing all citizens to reach their full potential.
The purpose of economic justice is to create opportunities for all people to lead a productive life that does not revolve around worrying about financial disadvantages.
With the troubling times of the COVID-19 pandemic, economic and financial literacy is something that college students and families alike need in order to help them stay afloat. This panel discussion will answer questions and provide insight into what economic justice is and how to utilize the tips given for success.
For instance, it is estimated that Hispanic and Black youth unemployment was around double the national unemployment rate before the pandemic. These numbers have since increased, due to the lack of financial resources for those in minority communities. Now more than ever, it’s important to focus on building up these communities.
There couldn’t be a more fitting event, given the financial and social environment of the U.S. today, than to discuss the vitality of financial literacy and economic justice. Given the current world climate, college students are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to learn about these pressing topics. Having these concepts under a student’s belt is both important and necessary, especially when adjusting to life after graduation and beginning to acclimate to the workforce.
Featured panelists will include employees from the Office of Social Justice, Inclusion and Conflict Resolution, the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Rowan’s financial aid department.
The event will take place on Thursday, April 15, at 3:30 p.m. via Zoom. You can access the link to the panel discussion via Rowan Announcer or attached here: http://bit.ly/3s1n7.
The panel is co-sponsored by Rowan’s Affordability Task Force, THRIVE, DEI SPC3 and Rowan’s Public Relations Student Society of America chapter.
Please reach out to Dr. Alison Novak at novak@rowan.edu or Jennifer McGraw at mcgraw98@students.rowan.edu for questions regarding the discussion.
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