Rowan University held a Johnson & Johnson vaccine clinic on Thursday, April 8. Vaccines were in high demand, with 2,000 doses being given at the Rec Center. - Multimedia Editor / Joel Vazquez-Juarbe
On Thursday, April 8, 2,000 people received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine at the Rec Center. A line stretched from the entrance to the Student Center and some people were in line for more than two hours.
The clinic ran from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and was available to all NJ citizens and Rowan staff and students. More than 100 volunteers helped run the event and some nursing students even got the chance to administer the shot into patients’ arms.
Rowan hopes to vaccinate more people soon. In the meantime, Rowan Medicine Vaccination Center is giving vaccines to anyone 16 or older on April 19.
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