This editorial discusses the awkward transition from college student to young adulthood. - Photo via Pixabay.com
There’s only one thing in this life that’s consistent–it’s change.
In fact, if there’s anything the past year and a half has taught us, it’s that change is inevitable and often unpredictable.
For me, these times have helped me figure out aspects of my life that the 2019 version of myself couldn’t. In 2020, I learned about the importance of family time and that three hours of playing Uno with my parents can really bring out my competitive side. I also found a love for exercising and I lost 20 pounds–which is funny because, until last year, just the thought of running made me sweat.
So far, 2021 has been about solidifying my new interests into habits and prioritizing my goals. Before I transferred to Rowan, I was extremely wishy-washy about my future. I thought being a reporter would be cool, but I also thought about opening my own business one day. Having multiple interests is great, but if I wasn’t putting effort into making one a reality, how could I possibly make both of them?
And while these are baby steps into the right direction, the road of “adulting” is one that stretches for miles.
I have always been told your 20s are the best years of your life, but also the most formative. I am sure that many of you, especially juniors and seniors, are feeling like your life is changing every time you blink–I know I do. And if you’re anything like me, it scares you.
This past summer was my first summer as a 21 year old. My friends and I went out to our favorite place, The Point in Somers Point, NJ, almost every single weekend. Because we were hesitant to go out during the winter, we were determined to make this summer count.
And let me just say, another thing I learned about myself this year is that I know how to tear up a dance floor.
Summer 2021 brought a lot of good times, but, like every summer, August is the month of goodbyes. This past August was especially sad because I knew it was my last summer as a college student. It was most likely going to be the last summer working at the smoothie shop I’ve worked at for the past three summers and many of my friends aren’t coming back home after graduation.
We’re growing up.
The sheer reality of not having to wake up every morning for class or pull an all-nighter to write a paper I had three weeks to prepare for, is something I find myself having trouble wrapping my mind around.
My senior year has brought a lot of change so far as well. I am no longer spending much time at home, rather I crash on my friend’s couch four nights out of the week because of how late I am doing my extracurriculars–thanks Amanda. I also got a credit card, which made me feel extremely grown up oddly enough.
This week I started my new internship at PHL17. As I drove over the Ben Franklin bridge, I put on “Welcome to New York” by Taylor Swift. Yes, I am aware that I am not in New York, that’s why I changed the lyrics to “Philly” in my head.
It felt strange driving to the city for my job. It’s always been a dream of mine, but actually getting a glimpse of what could be, scared me. When I walked in, I was surrounded by seasoned journalism veterans in suits. I got the opportunity to pitch story ideas, work in the control room and see how the whole show is put together. Everything I learned in the classroom was coming into fruition and I no longer felt like just a college student.
Growing up is never easy–it was never meant to be. Starting a new chapter in life can feel like you’re flipping the page on a special time in your life, which isn’t completely false. However, a new chapter can bring a new storyline. One with lots of joy, sadness, failures, and lessons learned.
Everyone grows up and life will always change, however instead of being afraid of the unknown, why not embrace it? We’ve all evolved through the phases of our lives, this one is no different. It’s just part of becoming an adult.
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