Rowan's Kevin Lauer during a meet. - Photo / Rowan Athletics
For Rowan men’s cross country runner Kevin Lauer, a junior, running wasn’t always something he would consider a good time.
“I hated it when I first started,” Lauer said. “I started running when I was seven years old because my older brother used to run and my mom told me ‘okay well you’re going to run too’.”
Lauer actually never took running seriously until he got to middle school.
“Middle school is when I started taking things seriously and since then I’ve learned a lot about my body and my mind as a runner,” Lauer said. “The mental part of running for any runner is so important… Since I began I really feel like I’ve gained a lot of knowledge about the sport and have gotten a good grip on things.”
For the body aspect of the sport, Lauer has learned how to listen to it throughout the years.
“I could tell when my body was telling me to slow down or when it was telling me to push through,” Lauer said. “Since I’ve learned that it has been like a well oiled machine, just knowing what to do and when to do it.”
When he does push himself, there is one specific person he looks to for motivation and perseverance.
“My fiancé always pushes me. We’ve been together for seven years now, and she always picks me up when I’m down,” Lauer said. “I can confide in her and express things to her that I have trouble expressing to other people, and I really wouldn’t be where I am today without her.”
As for the team, who is returning to action on Saturday, Lauer has a positive outlook.
“I feel really good about this team,” Lauer said. “We are starting to come together and perform well as a team and we are working towards where we want to be.”
Lauer added that the team is very confident heading into the New Jersey Athletic Conference (NJAC) Championship meet in two weeks.
“We fully expect to perform at NJAC and we’re a good contending team for Nationals and not just to get there but to go there and really compete,” Lauer said. “Which we believe we can and will.”
When it comes to his goals for after college, he is determined to combine two things he loves and finds very important.
“I would like to be an airline pilot as well as a certified flight instructor on the side,” Lauer said. “Education and getting a degree is very important to my family and I and I want to be able to bring the education world and the flying world into one.”
Lauer and the team will return to competition this Saturday at the Border Battle at DREAM Park in nearby Logan Township.
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