University Assembled was held Friday, Dec. 3. at 2 p.m. in the Enynon Ballroom. -Photo via Multimedia Editor / Nick Feldman
Rowan University’s President Dr. Ali Houshmand hosted “University Assembled” on Friday, Dec. 3, at 2 p.m.
“It gives the President and senior leadership an opportunity to talk about the state of the University, and gives members of the community a chance to ask questions of university leadership face-to-face,” Joe Cardona, the university spokesperson, said.
According to Cardona, University Assembled is held in both the fall and spring semesters.
An email sent to students, staff and faculty on Dec. 3 included the Webex link. Guests attending were able to go in person to the Enynon Ballroom in the Chamberlain Student Center or watch virtually on Webex.
“Please join Dr. Houshmand and university leadership to hear updates on a variety of topics,” said the email.
At University Assembled, Scott Woodside, the director for the Wellness Center, gave a health & wellness update.
Dr. Houshmand updated the audience on the “state of the university,” noting that Rowan has 23,000 students, is ranked No. 88 in public research in the nation, and $36 million has been distributed to students in institutional scholarships and waivers.
According to Dr. Houshmand’s presentation, Rowan is driving toward being an R1 designated school, meaning Rowan has a high research activity.
Rowan is also welcoming the School of Veterinary Medicine. According to the presentation, this is the first school of veterinary medicine in New Jersey, and the United States only has 32 total. The school plans to have its first class of 60 students in 2025. More details will be provided in January.
Dr. Houshmand also discussed the Rowan and Virtua partnership, where Virtua will take the place of Jefferson as Rowan School of Osteopathic Medicine’s principal affiliate.
Dr. Tony Lowman, the provost, spoke of faculty hires, academic affairs and the expansion of the Rowan School of Osteopathic Medicine. According to the presentation, the second campus will be at Rowan College of South Jersey in Gloucester County.
General Counsel Melissa Wheatcroft then spoke about a Division of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) scholarship and a flexible workforce.
Joe Campbell, the vice president for facilities and operations discussed Information, Research and Technology updates, the Student Center expansion, progress on the Fossil Park and the Time Sweeps art sculpture.
Future photos of the Student Center expansion were shown, as well as photos of the planned Fossil Park Museum and the Time Sweeps art at Discovery Hall.
According to the presentation, four new deans were also welcomed during University Assembled: the Dean of the College of Science & Mathematics Voki Pophristic, the Dean of the College of Engineering Giuseppe Palmese, the Dean of the School of Nursing & Health Professions Peter Rattigan and the Dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine Matthew Edson.
The next University Assembled will be held in the spring semester with the date to be determined. To view the fall University Assembled presentation, visit https://sites.rowan.edu/president/_docs/2021-fall-university-assembled.pdf.
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