Classmates, friends, family, and peers all came out to see the students’ work. - Multimedia Editor / Lee Kotzen
Rowan University’s Business Hall hosted a photo gallery for the first time, which featured student work from the Fall 2021 Honors Digital Photography course, taught by Professor Jenny Drumgoole Thursday, Jan. 27, 2022. To view all the students’ work, click here. / Photo via Multimedia Editor Lee Kotzen
Students had their work framed and hung. Each photo was accompanied by a QR code, which when scanned, redirected guests to a website with digital versions of the images, brief biographies about the artist, and opportunities to purchase the images- a feature that was brand new for this gallery. / Photo via Multimedia Editor Lee Kotzen
Dorothee Ilgenfritz, a South Jersey native studying English at Rowan, sits beneath her images hanging in the halls of the Business Center. / Photo via Multimedia Editor Lee Kotzen
Classmates, friends, family and peers all came out to see the students’ work. / Photo via Multimedia Editor Lee Kotzen
Professor Jenny Drumgoole, seen here addressing the crowd to explain how to use the QR codes to access the photos online. Drumgoole also made sure to express her admiration for her honors digital photography students: “These students work so hard and I’m so proud of them. I love them.” – Multimedia Editor / Lee Kotzen
The gallery featured a student talk back, where some students had the opportunity to speak to those who came to the event. From left to right, Professor Jenny Drumgoole, Isabella Shainline, Grace Fox, Lauren Vitale, Sarah Marshall, Sarah McCabe. / Photo via Multimedia Editor Lee Kotzen
Those in attendance listened to the artists speak about their photographs and explain their goals and influences. / Photo via Multimedia Editor Lee Kotzen
From behind the lens, to in front of it. Honors photography students pose for a picture. – Staff Photographer / Adriana Zawojski