Kelsey Endicott (left) and Alexis Davis (right.) -Photo via / Victoria Schriver-McGivern.
Although Rowan University has been a long-time provider of condoms during its “Free Condom Friday,” now, the Student Government Association (SGA) hopes to expand this initiative and provide free menstrual products to students with the help of the club’s “Project Period.”
Project Period was started by the Executive Vice President of SGA, Sarah McClure and Spiritualistic Study Club Senator, Logan Johnson.
“We hope to prevent the stress of affording products through the three pillars of our project [Project Period]: education on non-traditional products, accessibility of free products, and sustainability,” McClure said in an email.
The average cost for a box of 36 tampons is $7, according to the Duquesne University School of Nursing’s website.
At the time of this initiative, free menstruation products are only available in the Chamberlain Student Center and in the Office of Social Justice, Inclusion, and Conflict Resolution (SJICR), if you ask.
“We are gathering data on how our student body feels about free products and menstruation in general, as well as if students have ever experienced period poverty,” McClure continued in her email. “This data will be used to showcase the need on Rowan’s campus for free products to administration.”
Project Period partnered with the CampusCup program in order to give out free menstrual cups to individuals on campus during the next two weeks of March.
On Tuesday, March 1, from 11 p.m. to 2 p.m., Alexis Davis and Kelsey Endicott, members of the SGA, sat outside the Student Center distributing free menstrual cups and surveys for students to fill out.
“We’re trying to push for Rowan to start supplying free menstrual supplies for students who need them in the bathrooms. We’re out here to push the message,” Davis said.
The two manned a table to provide these projects and answer any questions the student body may have. The table, which read “Project Period,” was also available for students to stop by on March 3 and March 9, along with two online zoom calls.
The push for free menstruation products is a fight that affects the lives of all menstruating individuals and those around them.
“Free Condom Friday is something the Wellness Center provides but they won’t provide something like ‘Menstrual Monday.’ They’re willing to give out free condoms which people don’t need all the time. It’s optional but periods are not,” Endicott said.
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