Rowan is part of a small group of universities that offer a master's degree in cybercity to non-computer science majors. -Photo via Pixabay.com.
Rowan has welcomed its first class of the new cybersecurity master’s program as of the Spring 2022 semester.
According to the Rowan University website on the program, cybersecurity is “a mix of computer science, cybersecurity, and business” meant to help equip students for the different challenges they may face within the field.
In the age of modern technology, cybersecurity has become increasingly popular.
According to the University of North Georgia, a study done at the University of Maryland reports that “there is a hacker attack every 39 seconds.”
Cybersecurity is interdisciplinary, meaning the program is not just for science majors and experts. For example, those who choose this path must also be aware of how psychology, law, science and other disciplines affect cybersecurity as a whole.
Dr. Vahid Heydari is an associate professor at the College of Science and Mathematics and the director of Rowan Center for Cybersecurity Education and Research (CCER). Heydari will be coordinating the new master’s degree program.
“Our goal is to build training opportunities that act as a catalyst for workforce and economic development opportunities in our region. We hope to create a cybersecurity-talent pipeline in South Jersey to increase the production of professionals,” Heydari said. “The final goal is being the leader of cybersecurity education and research activities in our region. We are very optimistic about the outcome.”
Along with being excited for more students to apply, Heydari reminds students that the program is open to a diverse field of learners.
“They [students] just need to be interested in cybersecurity with any undergraduate background. If they do not have a computer science background, we have some bridge courses that can well prepare them,” Heydari said.
According to Rowan University’s website, students may be enrolled in the program as a full-time or part-time student. The curriculum requires that students take 10 courses (equivalent to 30 semester hours) and there are no thesis requirements.
Rowan is now part of a small group of universities that offer a master’s degree in cybercity to non-computer science majors.
Rowan will be applying for accreditation as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C) program by the Department of Homeland Security and the National Security Agency.
According to the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies (NICCS), “the goal of the program is to reduce vulnerability in our national information infrastructure by promoting higher education and expertise in cybersecurity.”
By becoming accredited, Rowan will attract more students to join the program. The more students who join, the more future individuals there will be to defend and protect anything from the U.S Government to small businesses.
Students who are part of 4+1 programs and or 3+1+1 programs are now eligible to apply for this program as well. Students part of the 4+1 program can earn their bachelor’s and master’s within five years. Students part of the 3+1+1 program can earn their masters while paying a community college tuition fee for three of the five years while in the program.
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