Senior Elizabeth Jasek shares her experience quarantining after testing positive for COVID-19. - Photo via Pixabay.com
I dodged COVID-19 for two years, and despite being vaccinated, here I am typing this article during my quarantine.
Nevertheless, I have had more than plenty of COVID-19 scares over the course of the last two years. My family has been lucky enough to avoid COVID-19 for so long, and now I am the first member to test positive.
It was a new variant, a less severe version of the coronavirus, I guess you could say. Initially, I thought it was just allergies that had turned into a cold, but the test results came back positive. I was particularly shocked because I truly felt nothing more than the mild symptoms of a cold.
Now, fully isolated, the main symptom I have had is exhaustion. Walking up and down the stairs has made me feel out of breath, and I don’t have much energy to, really, anything else but relax. And, honestly, I’ve rather felt guilty for taking naps, but I know my body has needed the rest. My mother agrees, and has constantly reminded me to lay low and drink plenty of water.
Drinking water while being sick helps to replace the fluids within your body that were lost due to congestion or fevers. Some medications also contribute to dehydration, so if you’re also feeling under the weather recently, fill up that glass (or in my case, a HydroFlask) and drink up.
What I’ve also come to realize is that there is so much free time during quarantine– so much so that it almost made me go stir-crazy. Going from the busy day-to-day life of a student to not being able to do anything is definitely a change of pace and a mental game at times. On a positive note, however, I’ve completed a ridiculous amount of homework.
I finished a term paper outline a week before its due date, and I have gotten a huge head start on writing the term paper itself. Now, I’ll have the opportunity to ask the professor for feedback before its due date in May. This free time might just be paying off.
For any other student quarantining right now, take advantage of the free time if you feel well enough to do so. Maybe try to be proactive with some homework and quizzes or get a jump start on studying for finals, since they’re only three weeks away – not even.
I’ve spent many of my mornings in quarantine focusing on academics and work, and spent my evenings relaxing by watching TV and movies. On the first night, I watched “Wonder Women,” “Aquaman,’ and Zack Synder’s “Justice League.” That kept me occupied for 540 minutes.
On the second day, I binge-watched “The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On.” I would say it was a waste of my time, but I have all the time to waste. Who would have thought a show could capture such toxicity and immaturity of couples in their relationships? Not me.
Typically, during my normal routine, I would go to the gym every day. But, obviously, I haven’t been able to do so, thanks to COVID. I guess I’ll just have to thank YouTube for providing me with all-day access to at-home workout videos. I loved MadFit’s fitness page, which offered a variety of workouts from abs to legs to full body. She also provided cool-down stretching videos– which are a lot more convenient for my tired body.
Despite not being in the gym, I still tried to keep up with my fitness each day with a different workout video. It was safe to say that my abs were sore the day after, making me feel accomplished. It’s the little things, right?
No quarantine experience will be the same. For me, quarantine was not as bad as I thought it would be. It was lonesome, but I enjoyed the peace and quiet that allowed me to focus on homework and watch TV without having to answer anyone’s questions.
I definitely got lucky with such mild symptoms, allowing me to remain active and productive during my time in quarantine. But, of course, listen to your body and take care of yourself. Quarantine does not have to be productive. It’s a time to rest, let your body heal and take care of your body and mind in whatever way that best happens for you.
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