Bingo Prizes sit on the table at the front of the Student Center Pit. - News Editor / Gianna Malgieri
To wrap up 2022 Homecoming, Rowan University held its annual 1K bingo on Saturday, Oct. 12. Rowan After Hours (RAH) hostedRAH, $1,000 #RowanPROUD Bingo in the pit of the Chamberlain Student Center from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Students and Alumni claimed their bingo seats for an hour before bingo balls started being called at 10 p.m. Over 100 people sat in attendance. In between every few rounds of bingo, RAH event coordinators included Rowan trivia.
“I have seen the results pre-COVID. I started working here during covid. A lot of the bingo events didn’t turn as much (during COVID) but this is very pleasant to see. There’s a lot of people. It is filling up on the top floor… I am actually quite thrilled with the turnout,” said Tianna Garcia, the marketing coordinator for RAH.
Garcia is in charge of any social media for the event and creates the pit posters that are hung inside the student center with the committee.
Long black tables displayed the various bingo prizes which were set across a stage. Prizes included items like Rowan gear, snacks and electronics.
While facing the stage of prizes, a screen sat to the left projecting the bingo numbers called for each game.
“I think the bingo prizes could’ve been better. Some of them were kind of weird such as the movie, “Saw” on Blu-ray? Who wants that? Or just a big box of Oreos?” said Melanie Leeds, a junior Radio, Television & Film major.
Although 1K Bingo sounds like a chance to win $1000 — it’s not.
“I’ve always thought titles 1K and 10K Bingo were misleading. I now understand that it was the budget of all their prizes combined,” said Leeds. “Honestly, I think they spent less than $600 on the homecoming bingo prizes.”
Before bingo was underway, the rules were read and stated that one prize can be claimed per person. If someone were to win multiple rounds of bingo, they can only claim one prize.
In the case of a tie, an oversized, neon yellow foam die was tossed to decide the winner.
“Some of them (prizes) are off of Amazon and some are from the actual bookstore. A good majority are from the bookstore. I guess anywhere we can find good prizes for them,” said Garcia.
The free RAH event also included refreshments with water, lemonade, pretzel bites, fried mac and cheese bites and cookies.
“I’ve been going to RAH events for a long time… but bingos are always just so much fun. Get your friends, it’s competitive, but also family-friendly and just a blast,” said Dan Collins, a junior sports communication and media major.
Bingo at Rowan doesn’t include colored paper sheets and bingo dobbers. Instead, there are cardboard cards with red plastic, and slidable shutters to mark and unmark numbers.
“I like the bingo boards. I think they’re easy to use and it’s good for the environment that they’re reusable. Plus, there’s no mess like there might be with a marker,” said Leeds.
Although they might not be as fun as bingo as we know it, it allows RAH to host bingo events indefinitely.
“These are reusable and more cost-efficient for us. No waste,” said Garcia.
RAH provides late-night and weekend activities for students at Rowan to increase involvement across campus, even outside of regular school hours.
“It feels like a support system for Rowan students, especially if a lot of freshmen are trying to find a place here,” Garcia said. “We kind of provide a safe space for them to also have fun, to try new things, meet new people, socialize, that type of stuff. We have a lot of participants that come back… and it’s nice that we can provide that for them.”
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