Rowan's A Capella group Profecy recently traveled to Tennessee to participate in an a capella competition. - Photo via Profecy
Rowan’s Profecy A Cappella recently traveled to Briarcrest Christian School in Tennessee for the OneVoice A Capella Invitational, which took place Jan. 20 to 21. Hosted by Briarcrest’s own a capella group, OneVoice, the invitational provided an opportunity for Profecy to meet professionals in the field and perform with a variety of different organizations and people.
Profecy learned a lot at the OneVoice Invitational by observing the different performing approaches of other groups. They met student artists from different parts of the country, such as a group of singers from Florida, who Profecy members described as “high scholars.” They even got to sit in on a beatboxing class, and several members of the group are now interested in it as a result. The trip allowed the group to expand their expertise while also gaining greater notice for their group.
“Being able to go to Tennessee and give that performance and get the feedback that we got, not just from the clinicians, but from these other groups who are doing the same things we’re doing was really cool,” said senior RTF major and Profecy music director, Matt Pawling. “Sometimes you just need those word[s] of affirmation.”
College a cappella groups are a unique and thriving element of the college experience, bringing individuals from various backgrounds and interests together to create beautiful music with their voices. A cappella groups give a unique and dynamic performance experience with tight harmonies, creative arrangements and a wide range of musical styles. Students seeking such an experience should look no further than Profecy A Cappella.
“We started in 2014 with just a couple of members. Think of us as like a barber shop, and then over time, it grew to multiple members,” said Tyreese Williams, a senior sports communications major.
Williams has been a Profecy member for six semesters and was the former president of the group. He stepped down from the president position due to his upcoming graduation from Rowan and his inevitable departure from Profecy.
Profecy is a group of people with immense vocal talent coming together and singing for fun, formulating ear-captivating symphonies for anyone willing to listen. They host multiple events, including Rock-cappella, in which a cappella groups from other schools are invited to Rowan for an a capella festival. This event is set in November and is hosted by Profecy each year.
The new president of Profecy is junior music education major Ariana Granda, who started her role this semester.
“I would say as a music major, I was really interested in joining a group that’s not just about singing but more just as a leisurely aspect,” said Granda. “What stuck out to me about Profecy was just that most of the group, except for me and another person, is all the non-music majors.”
Granda explained that it was interesting to work with the non-music majors in Profecy, as it allowed her to produce music with individuals who did it just for fun, rather than as a curriculum or part of their everyday routine.
In the past Profecy was an all-boys group, but it now accepts members regardless of gender, allowing Granda to become the first ever female-identifying president in the group’s history.
The group considers itself as very close, not just spending time singing, practicing, and performing together, but also hanging out together outside of those activities. If you are interested in joining Profecy and have vocal talents to pass their live auditions, send them an email at theprofecyacapella@gmail.com or message them on Instagram @rowanprofecy. And, as Pawling put it, if you are walking around Wilson Hall and hear a capella music, then it’s probably Profecy.
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