The band Skeever takes the stage at lastest Tune Lagoon concert. - Contributor / Jenna Ascolese
If you’re looking for an inviting and fun community to join look no further than Rowan’s underground music scene. The people are eclectic, the energy is exhilarating, and the music is exciting.
Last Thursday, the local concert venue Tune Lagoon held another classic show. It featured the bands Te Vista, Skeever, and artist Dylan Waterman. Rowan students and youths in the area gathered to listen to a variety of talented performances and let loose for the night. The three acts performed original pieces that showcased their talent and drive.
Dylan Waterman, the first performer of the evening, is a rock artist who has been involved in the local music community for a few years now. Waterman commented that the best part of the community is the comradery.
“There’s good people in these parts,” Waterman said.
This seems to be a consensus among everyone: it is a warm and welcoming environment. The colored string lights that are hanging all throughout the venue combined with amusing graphics on the wall create a unique and lighthearted environment.
Let’s be honest, sometimes it can be tough and scary to navigate an unfamiliar environment. The concert scene around campus offers a place for students to come together, leave everything at the door, and simply enjoy some good music with some good people.
“It’s nice when you can come to these [concerts] and you don’t even have to worry about what you look like. You can just wear simple jeans and a tee shirt or you can just go all out and go crazy. Everyone just doing their own thing and minding their own business. You can just do what you want to do and nobody’s going to make fun of you or judge you,” said Maddie Rosenberg, a sophomore at Rowan University.
We all need to get out of our own heads sometimes, and this is the best place for it.
“Everyone’s just having fun,” said Rosenberg.
Their next show will take place on Oct. 6, with bands Earth on Fire, Trophy Husband, and Trash Rabbit. Check them out on Instagram @tunelagoon.nj to find out more details about the venue.
“Just come. Even if you’re alone…the music’s good, people are cool, you’ll make friends,” said Max Adams, senior music industry major at Rowan.
Adams is also a member of the local band Shark Earrings.
Take Adam’s advice and just show up, you never know who you’ll meet. Maybe you’ll even find your new favorite band -plus when they all blow up, you’ll be able to say you knew them before everyone else.
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