Rowan Republicans
“Our meetings which take place weekly on Tuesday in Discovery Room 215 at 8 p.m. normally consist of a slideshow with whatever is going on in the news that week as well as any upcoming events. We welcome everyone to our meetings, including any student interested in joining. Our meetings run like hang-out sessions including Kahoot, Jackbox, or just chatting. If you’re free and want to stop by you’re more than welcome,” said Thomas Paprzycki, a freshman international studies major.
“The Rowan Republicans are a political club but we are more of a social club. Anyone with political views, let them be liberal or progressive, they are all welcome. And, people who are more right-leaning can at least have a family. We do have events like board games or fun debates. We do talk about the news. Current events, or local politics and national politics. But on larger levels, it is to make new friends,” Aniket Shafin, a sophomore Law & Justice and Psychology major.
Rowan Democrats
“We are a political and social club on campus that is welcome to all students with the purpose of providing a space for like-minded individuals to discuss events, participate in social activities, and get involved politically. We strive to educate the student body on political issues and foster a healthy political community,” said Ryan True, a transfer student political science major.
“Our club welcomes all undergraduates, regardless of their political alignment. We encourage respectful, open-minded discussions on a diverse range of topics. As our club is revitalized, we are excited to have opportunities for networking and growth,” said Hunter McLain, a sophomore advertising major.
Rowan Progressives
“We’re a leftist student organization… We’re also entirely student-run, so we have a lot of working groups that are concentrated on different things, on different issues that they see on campus, in Glassboro, and even beyond that…. Politically, I think that a lot of us believe that people deserve fair working conditions, that they deserve a life outside of work… access to abortion… nobody should be working 15 hours a day and not be able to survive off of that,” said Zobia Bokhari, a sophomore political science major.
“The Progressives seeks to create progressive change on and off campus and provide an inclusive space for people to develop their organizing skills… A lot of our drives and events are driven by working groups. So we have several working groups that each have their own internal structures, and they kind of create drives and give us direction. So our environmental working group is working on the divest campaign to petition Rowan to divest the millions they have in fossil fuel companies and invest it in us, the students,” said William Kaminer, a senior political science major.