New interdisciplinary Creative Industries Entrepreneurship CUGS combines business and art classes. - Graphic / Julia Quennessen
A new opportunity for scholars to gain skills in entrepreneurial thinking, while taking a mix of business and creative classes is now available to Rowan students this spring semester, through The Certificate of Undergraduate Study (CUGS) in Creative Industries Entrepreneurship.
Forty students are enrolled to earn this new certificate in Creative Entrepreneurship offered by the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. This program has been created with students working in creative industries in mind including but not limited to, Radio Television and Film, Art, Journalism, PR, Advertising, and Communication Studies.
As artists and creatives, most of these students’ traditional classes through artistic and creative programs do not allow them to take classes outside of their studies. By collaborating with Rowan’s School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, this latest CUGS allows Profs to mix business, creative, and entrepreneurial classes to complete their certificate.
“I think that a lot of people think that entrepreneurship is about owning a business or opening a small business, but it’s this more sort of way of thinking and approaching problem-solving,” said Jenny Drumgoole, Rowan assistant professor in the Radio, Television & Film department and Creatives 230 faculty lead. “I think that is really important for creative students and artists, especially when it comes to applying their passions in the real world and finding a career.”
The students this CUGS is not available to– due to the courses overlapping– are majors in Entrepreneurship, Engineering Entrepreneurship, Music Industry, and minors in Entrepreneurship. Those who are interested in this opportunity can enroll in this certificate by filling out a Google doc and will be connected with their advisor who ensures their completion time.
There are four classes with a total of 12 credits that are required including two business classes and two creative classes. Students can first take an entrepreneurship introductory course choosing between Entrepreneurship and Innovation or Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Entrepreneurship.
“This semester I’m taking Intro to Entrepreneurial Media, I am really excited about this class. I covered some entrepreneurship events last semester, and it just got me really thinking about it,” said junior journalism major Paige Britt, “I like that it mixes creative industries with business because I’ve never considered myself like a business kind of girl, but I’m thinking about like, I could start my own media company. I could kind of like, be my own boss when it comes to doing journalism.”
Along with students taking an entrepreneurship basics course, they will choose between taking one of the multiple business innovation courses available. These courses include Scaling New Ventures, The Media Industries, and Entrepreneurship in the Cannabis Industry, as well as eight others to select from. RCIE Assistant Director & Adjunct Professor Of Entrepreneurship Jessica Vattima encourages all majors to explore the business aspect of their future professions.
“I wish when I was in school that I had something like this. I think it’s super interesting and very needed because it really lets you experiment outside of your original college,” said Vattima, “what other photography students are taking business classes? This is just a way to really hone in on your industry and learn how you can think of it entrepreneurially.”
To fulfill the combination of business and entrepreneurship with undergraduates’ creative pursuits, this CUGS also requires students enrolled to take two creative classes. There is a selection of forty-seven classes to choose from counting, Podcasting, Web Design, Introduction to Sculpture/3-D, and more.
Students can pick from a diverse range of classes offered through the Ric Edelman College of Communication & Creative Arts. Those who are interested in taking any creative class such as in art, journalism, RTF, or public relations & advertising can now utilize the opportunity to take these classes when declaring this CUGS.
“With the CUGS, I think one of the main benefits is that students like when there is something that can be put on their resume so it becomes a certification in something, it helps in the sort of career search,” said Drumgoole. “Let’s say you are a Radio TV and Film major, but then you got this Creative Industry Entrepreneurship on your resume as well, like that you’ve gone through this program, it sort of helps to open up some job possibilities for you.”
On March 20, The Certificate of Undergraduate Study (CUGS) in Creative Industries Entrepreneurship will be featured in the Creatives 230 festival. This fest will be held in Business Hall 230. Four Rowan alumni will be on a panel to share their experiences and engage with students. These special guests include a television producer and an artist and photographer who are former RTF majors. In attendance as well is a former art student and Philadelphia mural artist, and an art graduate who is the lead singer for the band Sweet Pill. Activities to promote this CUGS are planned including Entrepreneurship faculty leading in class games that encourage teamwork and networking.
“When I got to Rowan I was like…I know I want to major in journalism, but I want to minor in something, could not make up my mind for the life of me,” said Britt. “They’re like little baby minors to your degree. I think it’s important for a future boss to see that I have these kinds of special areas of interest that could be beneficial to a company…I feel like it shows me to someone who wants to potentially hire me and pay me like, hey, I can maybe dabble in some other stuff.”
Applicants are currently being taken through this spring semester. Any students interested in enrolling in The Certificate of Undergraduate Study (CUGS) in Creative Industries Entrepreneurship can fill out a Google form through the link https://forms.gle/vLoCJAmSvoeBdkpT7. For all questions associated with CUGS, please contact entdegrees@rowan.edu.
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