This new partnership with OSHE will give students a second chance at a college education. - Graphics Editor / Julia Quennessen
The Office of the Secretary of Higher Education (OSHE) has collaborated with Rowan University to make it possible for students who have taken time away from Rowan, who have transferred from other universities, and are aiding those who want to complete their degree.
The partnership is made possible by a $200K grant to the university that is allotted to help some of the 750K New Jersey students who have unfinished degrees cover childcare, textbooks, and transportation costs.
“The purpose of this program is to provide more support for students who are considering or have already returned to Rowan so that we can help them keep going and to graduate. To finish what they started. Students who have some level of college but no degree,” said Rory McElwee, the vice president of Student Affairs.
There have been students across the spectrum who have returned specifically to Rowan to finish their degrees. Some who originally, at 18 took time to step away from college and to analyze if college was for them or for people who needed a change and decided that a college degree can provide that change for them.
There have been students who have returned or are coming to college later in life but this grant has been helpful to people in different aspects of their life besides academics to provide assistance to help reach the goal of pursuing their degree.
“This program supports students who went to Rowan originally and took a semester or more off and are now readmitting but also to students who went to any university, took a semester or more off and are now attending Rowan,” said Erin Hannah, the director of Academic Programs.
“There are students who have originally started in the 1980s or 1990s to start what they finished. Students who at the beginning and during the pandemic dropped out and are now coming back to finish what they started,” said Success Coach Kayla Maharaj.
For those who are considering returning to Rowan no matter where you might stand in your college journey, you can email returntorowan@rowan.edu and also visit Academic Support Programs located in Savitz Hall.
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