"With election day just around the corner, the Whit staff shares how they plan to exercise their right to vote." - Graphics Editor / Brendan Cohen
With election day just around the corner, the Whit staff shares how they plan to exercise their right to vote.
Madison Miller, Editor-in-Chief: I am planning to vote in person in my hometown, which is about 20 minutes from Rowan. I’m excited to take part in this year’s election because I feel like now more than ever, young people need to make their voices heard and take action towards the future they want to see. As a young woman, I feel like a lot of issues impact me, my rights, and the rights of my colleagues, friends, and family members. There’s so much noise online and in the media about politics, and I hope that college students are doing their due diligence to check where they are getting their information from, and listen to more perspectives than their own.
Sophia Fandino, Opinion Editor: With this being my first election where I can actually cast my vote, I plan to vote early. The main reason why I am not voting on election day is due to all of the hustle and bustle. There are a ton of people in Glassboro, and I want to truly enjoy my first time voting, and not feel anxious! I also am just so eager to finally vote. It’s something I have wanted to take advantage of since I started learning about this buoyant world of politics back in middle school. As a student journalist, I feel as though I have been doing my due diligence in reporting on the election and debates, but actually voting is something that for some reason, feels entirely more powerful. I am so excited to exercise this right and become an even more active member of my community.
Abigail Twiford, Co-News Editor: Youth voter turnout is historically very low, but it’s so important to be engaged and partake. It only takes a few minutes out of your day and it’s a vital part of being a citizen, so any of my fellow college students who are on the fence about whether to vote or not, please go out and vote on Tuesday, or earlier if you can. Or send in an absentee ballot. Just make your voice heard.
Beth Cimaglia, Arts and Entertainment Editor: This year, my plan from the start was to vote in person on the first day of early voting. Voting is one of the most important things we can do as citizens to make a difference in our country politically. The first day of early voting in New Jersey this year was Oct. 26 and runs until Nov. 3. I worked at my retail job from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and then headed to RCBC to vote. The turnout was massive, and according to other voters in line it was nonstop since l the polls opened. I was so excited when I checked off the boxes on the ballot and got a sticker that said “I voted.” Being able to use our voices to select our leader is something we should never take for granted, and is hugely important to democracy. Election Day is Nov. 5, and if you’re still in line when polls close, stay in line! You have a right to vote.
Paige Britt, Features Editor: I plan on voting early this election. There are five early polling stations in Gloucester County open until Nov. 3. While I was imagining the excitement and energy of voting on Election Day, it’s simply easier on my schedule to vote early. Either way, I’m still a part of something monumental and doing my civic duty so if I can do that earlier and make it more convenient, why shouldn’t I? Voting should not be this difficult thing that people have to take time out of their busy schedules to do. Voting should be made to work for them.
Maryela Gallardo, Web Editor: With the election coming up, I have gathered all the resources possible to educate me on how I’ll be voting for the first time. My plan is to beat the long lines at the Election Day polling booths and instead vote early. I plan on heading to the in-person voting booth located in Clayton, N.J. The Gloucester County Complex is one of the five early voting locations in the area. I am very excited to be exercising my right to vote this presidential season.
Claire McDermott, Copy Editor: I am planning to vote in person on election day, more local to where I live. I am going to go with my family, and we will put our votes in the drop-box together. This year is especially exciting because this is the first election where my younger brother is old enough to vote, so he will be voting for the first time, and we can do that together.
Gavin Schweiger, Photography Editor: I already voted. Early voting has been taking place since last Saturday, the 26th, and ends Sunday, Nov. 3. Take care to know where you’re registered and where the polling location for that area is. If you happen to be going home for the weekend it’s a perfect opportunity to get your vote cast. There was a line for me, but it wasn’t bad, and voting on a weekend was a lot better than trying to fit it into my schedule on Tuesday. Go vote!
Katie Thorn, Productions Editor: This election season, I will be practicing my right to vote. This being my first time voting, I am excited to cast my vote and make my voice heard. I find it extremely important that young people vote because we are the future. Voting is something that allows each and every American citizen to be heard and to be listened to and I want to be heard by my government.
Marchella Mazzoni, Copy Editor: I voted for the first time in this election as an early voter last Sunday. I believe that it is incredibly important to make sure to vote even if you can’t make it for Election Day. I go straight from school to work every Tuesday which means I sadly wouldn’t have time to go to the polls. However, I’m still happy I was able to vote early, and I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders now that this election season is almost over.
Owen O’Brien, Copy Desk Chief: I plan on voting in person on Tuesday afternoon. I like the pageantry and camaraderie of waiting in line. I’m obviously not going to broadcast specifics in this article, since that’s not what this is about, but I will say that I made my choice years ago. And I think a lot of other people have too. We’ve all just been waiting to do what we know we’re going to, and there’s a weird sense of community in that. Even if we’re making the wrong choice.
Nick Rizzo, Co-Sports Editor: I will be voting in the upcoming election. I plan on traveling to my hometown tomorrow afternoon to cast my vote early because pretty much everybody I’ve talked to has made their case to me that that’s the best option as opposed to voting on the 5th.
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