"London has pushed me more than ever to enjoy being by myself." - Copy Editor / Rianna Moses
So here I am, starting to pack an entire life I have built for the past four months, thinking about how insane this study abroad semester has been for me. I never knew getting attached to a place was a real thing. However, the impact that London has made on me goes beyond the simple things a normal city can offer.
London has pushed me more than ever to enjoy being by myself. I have always been someone who loves my alone time but when you’re in a country without the people who are closest to you, you feel the need to spend some quality time with yourself outside of your bedroom. Fortunately, London has made it so easy for me to find niche places that really cater to my interests and make me enjoy my own company more.
Even though the solo dates really helped with discovering a newfound joy within myself, I also met some of the sweetest and funniest people who have truly made London the absolute time of my life. Never in a million years did I think I would make such strong connections in a new country but finding each other, especially from different backgrounds is something I will never stop being grateful for and it is without a doubt the biggest highlight of my story. I can clearly say that I have found some lifelong friends who together, have created the most fun memories we can tell our kids one day.
Not only did we build strong friendships through exploring the city, but we also bonded about the academic differences we were all faced with. Going to school at The London College of Fashion has been a whirlwind of emotions. I had never taken seven classes in one semester before and my study abroad, being the first time, was pretty overwhelming. However, the amount of knowledge that I had gained not only about fashion media, but British culture as a whole really made the experience leave me wanting more. LCF has made me realize the true creative that I am and I am so glad I got to learn with peers who are so insanely talented as they have inspired me to unleash that version of myself more.
When it was the weekend, however, we would try to escape the beautiful chaos that London brought us. The biggest reason why people love coming to London is because of the amount of traveling you can do at such a good price as it is the center of a lot of amazing places. During my four months, I have traveled to Paris, Prague, Amsterdam, Scotland, and other smaller places in the UK. My younger self probably won’t even believe me if I told her and it makes my journalist’s heart scream as this is the reason why I do what I do.
Even though the dream was coming to life, there were a lot of hardships that I had to face while being here. As someone who struggles with a bit of anxiety, I really had to find a way to work through it without tearing myself apart. Whenever I bring myself down, it is hard to get back up when you are always on the go. However, these experiences come together to make up one big life story and I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason.
Coming back to the States, I feel like I am more open to being myself, and as I only have one more semester left at Rowan before I graduate, I don’t think London could have happened at a better time. It is definitely more than the souvenirs that I am bringing back with me.
London, I can’t thank you enough. Until next time.
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