Gavin Schweiger
Shockey (right) and Twiford (left). - Photography Editor / Gavin Schweiger
I am sad to report that Abigail Twiford has officially reached unc status and now finds herself a Rowan University and Whit alumni.
After this semester, she will graduate Rowan with a bachelor of arts in journalism, leaving the news section to her best friend, me, aka Sarah Shockey.
Twiford has been a part of The Whit since the fall of 2022. Starting off as a shy sophomore, she worked her way up the ladder from staff writer, news intern, and managing editor, to co-news editor alongside me for her final semester as a senior.
Along the way, she has met some of her closest friends and favorite professors and touched the hearts of many in the Whit family.
But our connection stands apart from the rest.
One thing about Abigail and I is that we are both Swifties. If I had to sum up our friendship in one song, “Fifteen” is the answer both of us have come to a consensus on, simply because of one ironically perfect lyric:
“You sit in class next to a redhead named Abigail and soon enough you’re best friends.”
Minus the fact that Abigail is in fact not a ginger, we certainly have become just that, and truly every day is the “Best Day” with her.
When I joined the editorial board during my second semester ever at Rowan, Abigail broke me out of my shell and helped me find my place. I didn’t have many friends at college before I joined the Whit, but a simple text from her asking me to hang out changed everything.
She even puts up with me when I rant about sports even though she has no idea what I’m talking about and looks at me like I have two heads. That’s a true friend right there.
She makes me feel confident, supported, and loved, and she’s surrounded me with her kindness and unlimited aura. I couldn’t be more thankful that the universe brought us together.
From endless half-apps at Applebee’s runs to random side quests, really concerning Instagram reels to screaming Taylor Swift in our cars, we have built a friendship that will last a lifetime– a tight bond born out of room 108 of Bozorth Hall.
To the girl I share a singular brain cell with, I am so proud of how much you have accomplished and can’t wait to see what you do in the future. The Whit will feel weird without you there, but I’m so happy to have shared our co-news editor journey for the short time that we did. I love you bestie and thank you for everything.
In the words once again of Taylor Swift:
“Long live the walls we crashed through, I had the time of my life with you.”
For comments/questions about this story DM us on Instagram @thewhitatrowan or email opinion@gmail.com