"But amidst this joy, I’ve often wondered: why don’t all holidays get the time and appreciation they deserve?" - Graphics Editor / Brendan Cohen
As the holiday season gains momentum, it’s impossible not to notice the cheerful spirit spreading through our communities. The holidays have always been a time for connection, a season when people come together to celebrate, reflect, and share joy. This year is no exception. Just days after Thanksgiving, the warmth of the holiday seems to persist, casting a glow that reminds us of the power of togetherness and the enduring impact of seasonal cheer.
But amidst this joy, I’ve often wondered: why don’t all holidays get the time and appreciation they deserve? Step into any retail store, and you’ll notice the push to move on to the next celebration. Christmas decorations and merchandise often appear on shelves even before Halloween has had its moment. It feels as if we’re racing through the calendar, trading the chance to savor the meaning of one holiday for the preparation of another. Are we losing something in this rush—perhaps the essence of what makes each holiday special?
This hurried transition between holidays raises an important question: why don’t we give each holiday the time and appreciation it deserves? It seems like the moment one celebration ends, we’re already preparing for the next, skipping over the opportunity to truly savor what makes each holiday meaningful.
Take Thanksgiving last week, for example. It’s a day rooted in gratitude and togetherness, a rare pause to reflect on what we value most. Yet, as soon as the dishes are cleared, our attention shifts to the next big thing, whether it’s holiday shopping or decorating for Christmas. The warmth and purpose of Thanksgiving often feel like they’re cut short, swept aside in the rush toward December.
The same goes for Halloween, a holiday rich with creativity and community spirit. Its magic lingers for just a moment before it’s overtaken by the excitement of the winter holidays. We spend so much time preparing for holidays like Christmas that others, like Halloween or Thanksgiving, can feel like mere stepping stones, rather than the unique celebrations they are.
When we rush from one holiday to the next, we miss the chance to fully embrace their meaning. Each holiday holds a distinct purpose—whether it’s gratitude, reflection, community, or celebration—and skipping past these moments means losing out on the joy and connection they offer.
Perhaps it’s time to slow down and give each holiday its due dilligence. By taking the time to fully experience what each season has to offer, we can create deeper memories and meaningful traditions, allowing the spirit of the holidays to truly resonate. After all, every holiday deserves to be more than a brief stop on the way to the next.
For college students, especially those at Rowan University, the holiday season offers a much-needed opportunity to unwind and recharge amidst the stress of finals. With exams, deadlines, and projects piling up, it’s easy to get caught up in the chaos and lose sight of the season’s true essence. Taking time to slow down and embrace the holidays can provide a valuable mental reset—whether it’s pausing to show gratitude for supportive friends and professors, enjoying festive campus events, or simply stepping away from the books for a moment of reflection. By savoring these moments, students can find balance and create lasting memories, turning the holidays into a source of comfort and joy rather than just another blur in their busy schedules.
By slowing down, we can reclaim the richness of each holiday. Imagine savoring Thanksgiving for its full meaning—spending days reflecting on gratitude, sharing heartfelt moments with loved ones, and carrying that sense of thankfulness into the rest of the season. Picture extending the fun of Halloween, enjoying the creativity, community, and playfulness it brings without immediately jumping to the next celebration.
When we take the time to fully embrace these moments, we create space for more than just celebration—we create space for connection. Holidays are about more than traditions and decorations; they are about the feelings they inspire and the people we share them with. By honoring each holiday in its time, we allow its unique spirit to take root in our lives, leaving a lasting impression far beyond the day itself.
So this season, let’s resist the urge to rush. Let’s pause, reflect, and immerse ourselves in the joy of each holiday as it comes. By doing so, we not only give these celebrations the time they deserve, but we also give ourselves the gift of truly experiencing the magic they hold.
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