"It’s not easy all the time, and like any pet, he needs attention and care every day, but I find myself needing him just as much as he needs me." - Photo via Hayden Fugee
When you go to college, whether it be for the first time or you’re just starting a new semester, it’s obviously going to be a lot to deal with. With school work, exams, and balancing a social life, it can all be a very stressful and tiring time for a lot of people. So, what does throwing a pet in the mix do?
As someone who is currently living with a pet in college (my bearded dragon Merlin), it can sometimes be a bit overwhelming to not only take care of myself but also another living thing. The truth is, in the long run, having my best friend at college has been a better coping mechanism than anything I could have asked for.
While to someone who does not have experience with a pet in college, it may either sound like a dream or nightmare, there are some real-life pros and cons to consider when bringing a pet to school.
To start with the negatives, owning a pet in college is a responsibility. You are not only in charge of keeping your life together and remembering to feed yourself but a small creature. They depend on you. This means feeding, cleaning, and giving them the attention they deserve. It can be hard sometimes to juggle the responsibilities and stress of a normal college schedule and then incorporate an animal into it. It’s important to remember that even though you may want a pet, you may not be able to give them the care and attention they need.
The second main gripe comes in the form of roommates; if you live on campus at Rowan, you are not the only one living with your pet; your roommate has to as well. It is important to think of them and be on the same page about having a pet in the dorm and to openly communicate. Speaking as someone who has both a pet and a roommate, I made sure he was comfortable with Merlin before I took any more measures to bring him on campus. The pet is your responsibility, not theirs.
Another con is waste and cleaning. You must put forth time and effort to groom/maintain your pet and make sure they are healthy. It can be very difficult sometimes if you are living at one of the smaller dorms here at Rowan or have communal living, as you do not have access to a bathroom at all times. As someone who has only had to deal with my lizard, I don’t know if I could have kept him on campus if I didn’t constantly have a sink in the next room.
However, despite these small obstacles, the pros far outweigh the cons. Having my Bearded Dragon here at Rowan has turned out to be the best thing for both of us. Our entire dorm floor knows and loves him, and he has visitors almost every day. He loves the attention and even has a big window to watch the sun. After a long day, there is no better feeling than your pet being excited to see you. After a difficult first semester at Rowan with an overload of classes and the struggle of midterms and finals, having my scaly friend cuddling up to me and licking my hand made it manageable.
Merlin is a constant emotional support system in my life, and I can’t imagine college without him. It’s not easy all the time, and like any pet, he needs attention and care every day, but I find myself needing him just as much as he needs me.
If you are in the right mindset and have the proper home for an animal suited for college, it can teach maturity, as for some, it’s the first time you are in charge of taking care of someone. This means they rely on you, and you have to be there for them and make time for them. For them though, it’s absolutely worth it.
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