"February is known to be the month of love but to me, it's more than that." - Copy Desk Chief / Rianna Moses
As we all have probably felt the weight of January being the first month of the year, to me, this year, it felt longer than forever. Why was a month that was supposed to be about getting used to, growing, and prioritizing, so hard?
Everyone has their own reasons for why some months are worse than others. It could be because school starts at a certain time, or the stress of finals creeping in right before the summer, or even going through something at a certain time that you just want to leave in the past. Now that my least favorite month is over, let me tell you why some people really start their new year from scratch in February.
The obvious reason is that January is the first few weeks after the holiday season. Eating good food and getting things from a wishlist, knowing that it isn’t always going to stay that way, is tough. Celebrating Christmas in the snow is also such an exciting time until Christmas is over, and then we all start to hate going out all bundled up in the cold.
Another huge reason is the idea of starting fresh. I know as college students especially, we try to put up a good front for our second semester of the year, knowing all the things we did wrong in the previous one and what we want to change. Having these set goals and New Year’s resolutions is great in hindsight, but in some situations, they add a load of pressure on your back which causes a lot of stress.
For me specifically, I will admit this year has been tough already. Not only because of all the things I mentioned but because my anxiety chooses the worst time to creep in harsher. Every day feels like a busy never-ending cycle that almost feels pointless as to why you are working this hard, feeling like you aren’t getting anything in return. However, as many ongoing thoughts and crippling feelings take control of my brain, I know that it’s not just me that is struggling during the “depression season” that January brings.
February is known to be the month of love but to me, it’s more than that. It forces you to settle into the year without you forcing it yourself. It lets you know that you survived the first 31 days of the year, still standing, making you feel like the next 28 will go by like a breeze. It makes all those months of holding on to spring start to feel real as the sun will start to set later, flowers are seen more for Valentine’s Day, and people exude more positive energy.
Whether it is noticeable or not, everyone struggles in January in one way or another. Don’t push yourself down even when the tiniest thing doesn’t go your way. Don’t compare the way your year is going to someone else’s. I am also going through a rough phase so I do have to remind myself now and then, but we all deserve to feel accomplished and happy and I know that now that the first month of the year is finally over, we all get to free our minds from the clutter that it caused.
I know deep down that things will get better because they always tend to. I hope that if you are unsure why you are feeling the same way I do, that February brings you the light and love that January took away and that you truly believe that 2025 is going to be a good year despite the hardships you went through.
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