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The Whit

Dr. Corey Waters's headshot. Waters is the faculty advisor for Culture in Green - Photo courtesy of Dr. Corey Waters

RU Ready to take the Vegan Pledge?

Destiny Hall September 16, 2020

“People forget that I didn’t grow up vegan,” Peya Yousuf, an economics and mathematics major with a concentration in statistics, said. “It’s important for me to remind people of that I had to...

In a world where contracting COVID-19 is a primary concern, meeting new people can cause worry. With dating, the balance between finding a significant other and staying safe is a difficult one. - Multimedia Editor / Alexander Rossen

Dating During a Pandemic

Destiny Hall September 8, 2020

You're hanging out with a group of friends. The person you’ve been head over heels with for months is there. Your mind starts to work in overdrive when you glance over at them. You're suddenly aware...

Bunce Hall lit up for Pride Week at Rowan University. - File Photo/Miguel Martinez

How COVID-19 Has Impacted Rowan’s LGBTQIA+ Community

Destiny Hall June 26, 2020

There are simply not enough words or enough time to fully capture the devastation that COVID-19 has caused. It would be tone-deaf to not mention the physical hardships faced by individuals during this...

Lance Guzman, Vicky Rubinson and Maddie Schille worked the taco bar at RAHBrainery in 2019. - Staff Writer/ Kalie VanDewater

The widely unknown origins of Rowan After Hours, explained

Destiny Hall April 2, 2020

Rowan After Hours is a powerhouse organization that dominates weekend activities at Rowan. Although RAH is one of the first clubs that students learn about at orientation, many students have no concept...

Dear Destiny: Concerned Corona

Dear Destiny: Concerned Corona

Destiny Hall March 30, 2020

Dear Destiny, How the %&@# do I survive the coronavirus? -Concerned Corona Dear Concerned Corona, Wash your %&@#ing hands. Good luck, Concerned Corona, I believe in you. Just kidding....

Dear Destiny: Shy Butterfly

Dear Destiny: Shy Butterfly

Destiny Hall March 8, 2020

Dear Destiny, Forgive me if this is cliche. I am a reasonably shy freshman and a commuter, and I've struggled a lot with making friends this year — more so than I thought I would. I've tried to get...

Dear Destiny: Anonymous Friend

Dear Destiny: Anonymous Friend

Destiny Hall March 1, 2020

Dear Destiny, My roommate keeps letting her toxic ex into her life. I don't dislike the guy personally, but I'm worried that she will be hurt by going back to him as often as she does — he is often...

- Photo courtesy of

Rowan After Hours hosts super event, Marvel v. DC night

Destiny Hall February 22, 2020

Continuing the trend of having events curated for those who enjoy nerd culture, RAH hosted its Marvel v. DC night on Thursday, Feb. 20. Joe Scafiro, the student programming coordinator at RAH said,...

Dear Destiny: Sustainable Gifter

Dear Destiny: Sustainable Gifter

Destiny Hall February 22, 2020

Dear Destiny, I want to show everyone in my life that I care about them, but it's financially unsustainable for me to give them everything they deserve right now. What are some nice things I can do...

Dear Destiny: A Helping Hand

Dear Destiny: A Helping Hand

Destiny Hall February 15, 2020

Dear Destiny, My boyfriend never seems to want my help. This is especially true for homework: he won't let me look at his essays or projects, and then doesn't do well. I respect his pride and desire...


We celebrate all types of love on Valentine’s Day — not just the romantic kind

Destiny Hall February 12, 2020

Despite never having a significant other on Valentine’s Day, it’s still one of my favorite holidays. Don’t get me wrong, it’d be nice to go out with a tall guy who buys me flowers or a girl that...

Dear Destiny: Snoozy Submitter

Dear Destiny: Snoozy Submitter

Destiny Hall February 9, 2020

Dear Destiny,  I can’t get up for class for anything. I was fine last semester but I have an 8 a.m. and it sucks getting up. Any advice? -Snoozy Submitter Dear Snoozy Submitter,  I...

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