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The Student News Site of Rowan University

The Whit

The Student News Site of Rowan University

The Whit

The Student News Site of Rowan University

The Whit

Sweet Pill performing at a 4333 collective show. Because of coronavirus, future concerts are canceled; however, Sweet Pill will be performing during a Twitch livestream tomorrow, Friday, May 1. Photo / Julia Conner

Coronavirus sends rock band home after SXSW gets canceled

Kristin Guglietti April 30, 2020

Sweet Pill left Glassboro on March 7, traveling south in their blue bus with excitement for their first tour. While on the road, South by Southwest (SXSW), one of the largest music festivals in Austin,...

VIDEO: Coronavirus Shuts Down Rowan University

VIDEO: Coronavirus Shuts Down Rowan University

Kristin Guglietti March 12, 2020 For comments/questions about this story, email [email protected] or tweet @TheWhitOnline.

The Office of Social Justice, Inclusion, and Conflict Resolution has several signs about queer people of color on display in the LGBTQIA+ Center. The signs honor leaders in the black community. - Multimedia Editor / Kristin Guglietti

6 More Black LGBTQIA+ Leaders You Should Know

Kristin Guglietti March 5, 2020

This is part two of a two-part article. Check out part one here. Black History Month shouldn’t be limited to February. It should just be a reminder to look back at the past and think about the present. To...

Eurydice, played by Kayla Bowe, shields herself from the rain as she enters the underworld. /  Kristin Guglietti

Eurydice and relationships with men

Kristin Guglietti March 4, 2020

Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl is a play based off the ancient Greek story Orpheus and Eurydice. The show directed by Christopher Marlowe Roche, puts the old story about two desperate lovers into a modern light. Right...

Students hold up signs in protest of the Key of David Christian Center - Assistant A&E Editor / Kristin Guglietti

VIDEO: Protest unites students against hate speech from religious group

Kristin Guglietti March 4, 2020

Protesters from a Philadelphia religious group stood behind a barricade outside the Chamberlain Student Center where they spewed hate-filled words while holding “Jesus is hellfire” signs. The...

Journalists use many tools for the trade, including their time and energy. - Editor-in-Chief / Miguel Martinez

Guglietti: The Whit Misconceptions

Kristin Guglietti February 26, 2020

The Whit is always looking for more students to join our team whether it comes to writing articles, taking photos and shooting video. If you’re a reader, chances are you’re also a writer. Since...

The Office of Social Justice, Inclusion, and Conflict Resolution has several signs about queer people of color on display in the LGBTQIA+ Center. The signs honor leaders in the black community. - Assistant A&E Editor / Kristin Guglietti

8 Black LGBTQIA+ Leaders You Should Know

Kristin Guglietti February 26, 2020

This is part one of a two-part article. The second part will be published in the next print issue and online. Black history is rich with people who were writers, activists, musicians, artists, scientists...

A copy of The Whit sits on a stack of newspapers. - Editor-in-Chief / Miguel Martinez

The Whit wins Outstanding Campus Media Award

Kristin Guglietti February 26, 2020

The Whit recently won Outstanding Campus Media from NJ News Commons Excellence in Local News Awards. "The award goes to a student journalist or campus news organization whose reporting efforts had a demonstrable...

James Cummins, a junior geographic information systems major, and Joe Aschenbrenner, a senior disaster preparedness and emergency management major, take advantage of The SHOP on the Go stock at the Tutoring Center. The Tutoring Center and the engineering building currently have SHOP on the Gos, but they are hoping to expand in the future. - Assistant A&E Editor / Kristin Guglietti

The SHOP continues to provide for students in need by expanding

Kristin Guglietti February 19, 2020

Students may have heard about The SHOP, which provides free food and resources for students. However, going to The SHOP can be difficult at times with hours of operation being limited to Mondays...

The Period Movement held a packaging party Monday night. The donations will go to the Glassboro Food Bank. - Assistant A&E Editor / Kristin Guglietti

Period Movement hosts packaging party at first meeting

Kristin Guglietti February 5, 2020

Rowan’s Period Movement chapter kicked off its first meeting of the semester with a packaging party Monday night. Pink, purple, green and orange pads and tampons scattered across the table for students...

This semester, SGA is implementing a program to pay off parking tickets with donations to The SHOP. Cans of spaghetti sauce are just one of many items students can donate. - Assistant A&E Editor / Kristin Guglietti

Food for Fines helps pay off parking tickets while feeding students

Kristin Guglietti January 29, 2020

Editor's Note: This story has been updated since it was originally published. With the removal of parking lots for new academic buildings and restrictions where people can park, parking at a growing...

President Ali Houshmand listens to the Rowan community during a group discussion on December 9, 2019. - Assistant Arts & Entertainment Editor / Kristin Guglietti

President Houshmand details plans to promote mental health services

Kristin Guglietti January 21, 2020

The Rowan community received an email from university President Ali Houshmand early Tuesday morning detailing the steps that the university is taking to build a stronger community after hearing from students,...

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