Things have been strange ever since the Philadelphia Eagles won on Jan. 21.
The Eagles’ participation in the Super Bowl is nearly once in a lifetime. So it’s once in a lifetime that everyone in Philadelphia and the vicinity is going nuts. The Philadelphia police greased poles the night of the Vikings-Eagles game to stop people from climbing them.
Glassboro & Rowan Police also tightened their ships. More officers were on guard that night. Rowan Director of Public Safety Reed Layton said recently that the department is expecting dozens of party related calls the night of Feb. 4.
The Chickie’s and Pete’s manager is preparing for a stellar night of business.
Some funnier examples of how the university itself is preparing: Dean Sandy Tweedie of the College of Communication and Creative Arts sent out an email to his professors encouraging faculty to enforce usual attendance policies, in order to properly reward those students who do come to class.
Meanwhile, other professors have told students to just not come to class Monday.
Even though the crazy tweets, bizarre preparations and various parties might be fun, it should be said that this Super Bowl is particularly special, especially on our very own campus. Some students have said the Eagles are what’s keeping them happy this winter. It’s a conversation starter.
At The Whit, we recommend doing a few more things to prepare. If there are good calls, or worse, bad ones, yell. Yell at your TV. It works, trust us.
Sit down and wear exactly what you wore for the Eagles-Vikings Game. Make sure you’re in the exact same spot. It worked once. It’s sure to work again.
And phew, construction workers have planted that Billy Penn statue on top of Comcast Tower. Not familiar with what we’re talking about? The Billy Penn statue on top of City Hall lost its height record when other skyscrapers were built. No professional teams have won a championship game ever since. For the sake of the Eagles, let’s be glad they recently fixed it.
Celebrate responsibly. Don’t run out in front of cars near Chickie’s and Pete’s if they win. Don’t burn anything down if they lose.
Go birds.
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