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The Whit

The Whit

"But simply having that conversation with the woman who raised me to be the way I am showed me that our relationship and my other relationships to women are so much stronger than a man who tries to tell us otherwise." - Copy Desk Chief / Rianna Moses

Moses: The power within women

Rianna Moses, Copy Desk Chief February 12, 2025

Unfortunately, we now live in a country where apparently most residents of the United States prefer having a convicted felon as a leader rather than a woman who is well-educated, kind, and respectful....

"I've never really been interested in watching the news about immigration but when I heard about the many executive orders President Donald Trump had signed, it brought tears to my eyes." - Photo via Helen Solis

Solis: The psychological toll of immigration raids on students

Helen Solis, Contributor February 12, 2025

President Donald Trump has signed many executive orders within his first few weeks of being president. One of them being the Executive Order (EO) 14159, which means to protect the American people from...

"It is the belief of The Whit Staff that celebrating the Eagles is just as important as celebrating your own personal accomplishments, but we strongly encourage students to celebrate in a safe and responsible manner." - Photo via Rachel Sampson

Editorial: Celebrate responsibly in the City of Brotherly Love

The Whit Staff February 12, 2025

For most Rowan students, this past Sunday was full to the brim with cold beer, greasy food, and the sweet taste of victory for Eagles fans. Some even took it upon themselves to storm Broad Street in Philadelphia,...

"So are we doing too much? Maybe, but that doesn't mean we're doomed." - Photography Editor / Gavin Schweiger

Schweiger: Are we doing too much?

Gavin Schweiger, Photography Editor February 12, 2025

It's only week four? That's the question I've been asking since last week, as far as I remember.  There are fifteen weeks in the semester, and we just hit halfway to the halfway point. It's the...

"While I couldn’t throw a perfect spiral or dodge defenders, after my first trip to the Linc, I knew that I loved the game of football." - Productions Editor / Katie Thorn

Thorn: More than just a game

Katie Thorn, Productions Editor February 11, 2025

Each Sunday, my mom would tie my hair in pigtails and put my white and pink Eagles jersey on my miniature torso. Oblivious to the Sunday festivities, I would sit in disarray at the game unfolding before...

"You might end up meeting your best friends in Philosophy Club, or find a new passion in joining Poetic Justice, but you’d never truly know until you try.' - Photo via Christopher Otto

Otto: Get up and get involved

Christopher Otto, Staff Writer February 11, 2025

As a college student, time not spent in lectures or working on assignments can be very hard to come by, if it comes by at all. So it’s no surprise that it can be very challenging to figure out exactly...

"Micro-cheating is pervasive on campuses, and it is more about boundaries than anything." - Graphics Editor / Brendan Cohen

El-Muhammad: Micro-cheating is a macro issue

Aliyah Muhammed, Contributor February 5, 2025

Have you or anyone you know ever been personally victimized by a partner texting an ex? What about a partner having a work wife? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you may have experienced...

"The Whit Staff recognizes that 'success' is going to look different for everyone, and choosing what you want to do is a decision that should be given time and careful consideration." - Graphics Editor / Brendan Cohen

Editorial: Endless options and overwhelming decisions

The Whit Staff February 5, 2025

Does making the wrong decision now mean ruining your future forever? This is a fear that many college students hold as they look ahead at the forked road, which seemingly splits into millions of different...

"You do not have to be happy 24/7 every day, every emotion has its appropriate time and place." - Photo via Michael Bautista

Bautista: My journey with happiness at Rowan

Michael Bautista, Staff Writer February 5, 2025

Happiness isn’t something you sit back and wait for. It’s a statement that rings true, even in Selena Gomez’s 2020 song “Dance Again." I believe it’s this fleeting, complex emotion that most...

"Erasing our mistakes, and trying to change the past is a slippery slope." - Photo via Lily Miller

Miller: The proof is in the printing

Lily Miller, Staff Writer February 5, 2025

Right now, you are hopefully holding a physical newspaper. One of my favorite parts of writing for the Whit is that we print physical newspapers each week. As a writer, it’s an incredible feeling...

"February is known to be the month of love but to me, it's more than that." - Copy Desk Chief / Rianna Moses

Moses: Goodbye January, hello February

Rianna Moses, Copy Desk Chief February 4, 2025

As we all have probably felt the weight of January being the first month of the year, to me, this year, it felt longer than forever. Why was a month that was supposed to be about getting used to, growing,...

"Every year, the temperature outside drops, and right around that same time the pressure increases for college students." - Contributor / Christopher Otto

Otto: Seasonal depression is something every student should beware of

Christopher Otto, Contributor February 4, 2025

There’s always something about the weather, isn’t there? Every year, the temperature outside drops, and right around that same time the pressure increases for college students. Preparing for final...

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