SGA amends constitution, approves club petition


As the semester draws to a close, a resolution was passed on Monday night’s Student Government Association (SGA) senate meeting in the Chamberlain Student Center’s Enyon Ballroom, amending the SGA’s constitution to redefine the role the Student Trustee and Alternate Student trustee positions, in regards to the Executive Board.

“The conclusion is that we would not be on the executive board, but in order to maintain the ability to understand the student voice and hearing it, we made it mandatory for us to be still attending senate and perform office hours in the SGA office,” said Student Trustee Kunal Patel.

The move to step down from the SGA Executive Board will transfer the duties of chairing the Accountability Board to the SGA President. During matters that pertain to overseeing the accountability of the SGA President, the Vice President will be at the helm. This new amendment will also hand over the responsibility of heading the impeachment process to the President, and the impeachment process of the President to the Vice President.

Though the role of the SGA Student Trustee and Alternate Student Trustee will be realigned, Patel promises the positions will still have a vital presence in SGA.

“The safeguards that we’ve put in place with our changes makes sure that we are still a prevalent voice on the student campus because at the end of the day we say what ultimately governs the university and we understand and recognize the importance of that,” said Patel.

Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students Richard Jones addressed the SGA Senate and made the announcement that, in regards to services at the Wellness Center, the University will not bill students for services. A committee will be convened, comprised of staff, faculty and students, to etch out additional ways to support the Wellness Center.

“Over the last couple of years, we made tremendous strides in providing services to you, so you can take care of your mental and your physical health,” said Jones. “We want you to be able to continue that.”

With the recent additions to the Wellness staff, the number of students on the waitlist for health services at the Wellness Center has dwindled from 96 students at this time last year to 51 students, said Jones.

“We look forward to coming up with very creative ideas, and continue the quality offerings that the Wellness Center has for you,” said Jones.

The Japanese Culture Club was approved for petition by the SGA Senate, the club promotes appreciation for Japanese culture through music, language, food, values and philosophies native to Japan.

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