Letter to the Editor: The business world does not have safe spaces


The Whit accepts Letter to the Editor submissions every week from members of the community and from the university. The opinions expressed are those of the author, and not The Whit or its staff.


I have never written to an editor for any newspaper. I would like you to let my voice as a parent be heard in and around Rowan University.


The recent November 2016 emails sent to the adult college students shows us what is causing the pussification of America. We, as parents, or at least some of us, teach our children growing up that there are winners and losers in life. The lessons learned while growing up carves our children’s mindset on how to react and take a win, loss or displeasure in a situation and move on.

In 1944, our 18-year-olds stormed Normandy Beach for our freedom and many lost their lives. We won and that is why we have our freedom we all enjoy today. What is being done to our 18-year-olds and above now teaches them to look to others for comfort and we as a nation will succumb to losing our freedom, our strong business ethics and our rank in the world.

The Ombudsman, or, to be politically correct for Rowan, ombudsperson Catherine Parrish and Rowan University need to rethink their policy of making our children think there will be a safe place in the real world when they graduate. The business world does not have safe rooms or company medals at the place they will be working. In 10 years we will see the degrading business world and think back, “Oh we shouldn’t have done that.”

Kevin O’Leary

For questions/comments about this letter, email editor@thewhitonline.com or tweet @TheWhitOnline.


  1. Hey Kevin, I sincerely hope that you read this comment and get the opportunity to take a look at things from a different perspective. To start, by referencing the valiant efforts of 18-year-olds in 1944 you seem to be disregarding the hardworking 18-year-old men and women that serve our country and keep us safe today. You also seem to be ignoring the fact that the steps the young people in the United States are taking today are among the most advanced technological and scientific strides that the world has ever seen.

    “What is being done to our 18-year-olds and above now teaches them to look to others for comfort and we as a nation will succumb to losing our freedom, our strong business ethics and our rank in the world.”

    What is being done to our 18-year-olds and above now teaches them to look to others for support and cooperation. These safe spaces that you have such a problem with are the result of the poor social practices that YOUR generation pushed down to us. The fact that people of color fear for their life every day and Native Americans are still having their land stolen from them are because of the lack of effort that YOUR generation put into equal rights and social justice. We are doing YOUR work because YOU put our country into the state that it’s in today (the state that you’re so worried about). The only reason that we “look to others for comfort” is because your generation did such a wonderful job of halting the progress of equal rights and now, we have to make up for that.

    I don’t know if you’ve considered the idea that in 10 years this will be our America. Our generation will be running businesses, research institutions, and philanthropies. Your view on the future of our country is skewed, and your complete lack of faith is what makes your generation the biggest threat to the future of our country. Our future businesses will be responsible for the incredible amount of debt that we have inherited. Our research institutions will be responsible for the scientific advances that save our doomed environment and cure cancer. Our philanthropies will be responsible for serving the sick people that were affected by poor environmental up keeping, the impoverished that are a result of your economy, and the oppressed that are a direct result of terrible injustices that have been happening since the birth of our country.

    “Rowan University need to rethink their policy of making our children think there will be a safe place in the real world when they graduate.”

    Your letter wreaks of privilege, considering you took time out of your day to give your misguided wisdom to a group of people that you clearly know nothing about. The fact that you’re referring to adults as children perfectly captures the essence of your whiney letter to a college newspaper. You severely underestimate my generation and the progress that we have already made in truly making America great.
