PROFhistoric Homecoming: And the winner of lip-sync 2017 is…

First place winner of the individual lip sync, Princess Ellen Wesley performs on stage. -Photo Editor/Nicole Mingo

Actions were louder than words this year at Rowan’s annual lip sync competition. Chamberlain Student Center and Student Activities, ‘Princess’ Ellen Wesley took home first place for the group and individual competitions, respectively, in the Pfleeger Concert Hall.

The event was open to all students and included group acts consisting of several campus organizations, as well as individual performances. Fraternities, sororities, sports teams and student activity groups arrived dressed up, rehearsed and ready to show off their best moves and creativity.

The competition consisted of 16 performances, each of which had their own unique theme, choreography and music. Group and singular performances were judged separately on a first, second and third place criteria.

The competition was sponsored by Rowan After Hours (RAH) and Student University Programmers.

“This is the first event that RAH has sponsored for homecoming this week because we only hold events Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights,” said RAH tech committee member Will Staszeski. “This event is great because it gets people involved from organizations all over different parts of campus. There’s Greek life, student clubs and individuals all being brought together in one place just to have fun.”

The Rowan University Department of Theatre and Dance (RUTD) was the last group to perform and wrapped up the evening. All participants flooded back on stage eagerly awaiting the results. Cash prizes were on the line and everyone involved was determined to get their hands on them.

Taking home first prize for group performance was Student Center and Campus Activities. Second prize was awarded to Delta Phi Epsilon and Tau Kappa Epsilon, or “TKphiE.” Third place went to RUTD.

Individual performers took their own stage names for the show. First place for the individual prize category was Princess Ellen Wesley, followed by Team Steven Magown in second place, and Melissa D’Alia in third place.

“Homecoming is great because you get to meet people from all different organizations. We teamed up with Sigma Alpha Epsilon for the week and I’ve loved getting to know them,” said Alpha Epsilon Phi member Elizabeth Engle, a sophomore double major in law and justice and journalism. “My favorite part about the Lip Sync event is that we’re all just having so much fun making up our dances and taking them on stage.”

For the rest of our PROFhistoric Homecoming 2017 coverage click here.

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