SGA holds club decharterment as Facilities and Operations announce possibility of obtaining E-Scooters for Rowan

Kevin McCarthy speaking during an SGA Senate meeting with SGA President Arielle Gedeon in the background - Photo via / Alexander Heller

Rowan’s Student Government Association (SGA) met on Sep. 30 to discuss clubs as well as other new developments. The majority of Monday’s meeting centered around club chartering.

Here the Senate gets to vote on the course of action regarding clubs not running properly. A recurring issue among clubs up for decharterment was that their ProfLink was not functional. One such club, Biomedical Arts & Visualization, pointed to ProfLink among other things. 

The club’s president, Allison Mosley, stated that ProfLink and attendance were among the more difficult things to juggle when handling SGA.

“We have definitely had a rough start,” Mosley said. “We had to make a ProfLink three times because it keeps getting messed up”. 

Mosley went on to explain to the Senate that bio-medical arts students are one of the few groups with seven-hour-long classes. 

“The reason we haven’t been able to send a senator to Senate,” Mosley explained. “Is because we are skipping class to be here. We had to find a member outside of our e-board to fill the senator spot, and we found one last week.”

Later that night, SGA opened up the meeting to club members and senators to ask questions. 

Tim Corey, from the Rowan Republicans, asked Mosley, “So everyone in this room has been through all the workshops, how have you not done this? Everyone else here has gone through the process. It’s not that hard.” 

Mosley assured the senators that they were ready to attend all the workshops and turn over a new leaf as a club. Overall, most of the speakers that followed were in support of putting the club on the 90-day probation.

They cited the fact that these students miss class to defend themselves, showing that they are serious about contributing to SGA. The Senate voted in favor of this, and the club is now on probation. 

While the Bio-Medical Arts club survived, the Crypto Currency club was not so fortunate. This was largely because the club didn’t even show up to the meetings. In a swift vote, the Crypto Currency club was effectively de-chartered.

In other SGA news, Assistant Vice President of Facilities and Operations Robert Emmanuel gave the Senate updates on some exciting new developments. 

For starters, Emmanuel has been trying to get e-scooters at Rowan. He told us about a phone call he had with the scooter company, Bot Mobility, on Friday. The Assistant Vice President of Public Safety, Michael Kantner, was also present for this phone call. 

“Everyone is on board,” Emmanuel said. “One of the biggest hurdles we had to overcome was getting the go-ahead from public safety, which lets us ask Glassboro if we can get these scooters.”

E-scooters have been becoming more prevalent in cities like Philadelphia and New York City. It wasn’t until May of this year that Gov. Phil Murphy passed a law to allow e-scooters in New Jersey. 

“Glassboro would become one of three towns with e-scooters; it would be us, Asbury Park, and Hoboken. That’s some cool company to be in,” Emmanuel said. He further explained, “If we get them, you would expect to see scooters in the spring.”

The other news Emmanuel shared with SGA was the possibility of a Pop-up park in Rowan. He explained that Pop-up parks could turn an unwanted empty lot into a green area where people can use it for recreation. Robert says he will be pitching the idea to the Student Financial Control Board (SFCB) next Monday. 

Lastly, Emmanuel said, “Over the summer we are going to be working on the meditation walk phase two, which is from the Student Center to Holly Pointe.” 

This would replace the path behind Abbot’s pond with a new walkway. Additionally, the walkway that passes the Rec Center to Carpenter Street will also be replaced with a new sidewalk.

SGA will hold its next senate meeting on October 14 at 7 p.m.

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