This Monday is April Fools’ Day or otherwise known as All Fools’ Day. It’s a time for silly pranks on friends and family.

The humor of April Fools’ Day started when France switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, which resulted in the new year being celebrated on January 1 instead of April 1. Some people were slow on getting the news so they became the butt of the joke during the olden days.
Throughout numerous countries, people celebrate April Fools’ Day by playing pranks on their friends and families in different ways.
Here are 10 of the best April Fools’ Day pranks to play this year.
Confetti bomb
Send someone a package or leave it outside their door filled with a spring and confetti mix so when the box is opened confetti flies everywhere.
Wrap toilet seat in saran wrap
This is one of the most popular pranks and definitely one of the funniest. Wrap the whole toilet bowl in saran wrap so when the person comes to use the toilet it splashes back and sprays them instead.
Fart spray
This can be bought at any joke store around. It’s a mild prank, creating a nasty smell so your victim has to sit through the worst smelling farts there ever were.
Tape over sensors of electronics
Such as Apple TVs, fire sticks, TV remotes, etc. Without having the remote connect to the sensor, the device doesn’t work. This will leave the person you’re pranking so confused and annoyed that none of their devices are working.
Frozen breakfast
Freeze the milk and cereal overnight and then when the person goes to pour the milk or cereal everything is stuck together and frozen. This works best when you combine the two and freeze it like that, but I know many college students out there don’t make their roommate’s breakfast in the morning. But freezing them both separately still works nicely.
Cream cheese deodorant
Change out the white deodorant and put in hardened cream cheese so when the person goes to put on deodorant they’re putting on cream cheese instead. This will cause the victim to smell like body odor first and also smell like old nasty cream cheese.
Toothpaste Oreos
Change the white cream part of an Oreo and replace it with white toothpaste to add a highly minty taste to the cookies and frighten your friends.
Rubber band on the sink
This trick has been around for ages! I can remember when I was younger and my brothers would play this prank on my mom. I know many apartments nowadays don’t have the spray nozzle to pull off this prank, but there are still some around. So if you have one, place a rubber band on the sink spigot so when the sink is turned on water shoots out at the person.
Wrap everything in christmas wrapping paper
When your roommate leaves the dorm or apartment for the day wrap all of their belongings in Christmas wrapping paper so when they come home they are completely baffled by what is in their room. They will have to spend the rest of the day unwrapping everything.
Put clear packing tape on the door
I have seen many videos on social media accounts of people pulling this prank on their friends and it is funny. Put long strips of tape from one end of the door to the other, creating a see-through barrier so when your roommate tries to walk through the doorway they will walk right into the tape.
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