Construction of a new four-story, 65,560 square-foot academic building broke ground on July 29 in the location of what was formerly Lots U and J, directly off of Route 322 and next to Winans Hall.
According to a letter endorsed by the university, the construction will occur in two phases: the first, Phase 1, has already been completed and involves the widening of the lot. The second, Phase 2, involves the construction of the building itself. Phase 2 is scheduled to be completed by the spring semester of 2021.
The future construction does not currently have an official name, and instead is being referred to as the “new academic building” by those involved with the construction.
“The Project’s scope of work reflects the construction of a new 4-story building to include general teaching classrooms, active learning classrooms, science teaching laboratories with a variety of public and collaboration spaces, and administrative offices,” reads the letter, signed by Keith Hart, Project Manager for the construction.

The building is to hold classes for the College of Science and Mathematics and the School of Earth and Environment, the latter of which currently does not have any designated academic building. Offices for the School of Earth and Environment, which are at this time spread out among Robinson Hall, Rowan Hall, and Westby Hall, will be consolidated into the new building.
In recognition of any inconveniences caused in parking due to the closure of the two lots, the university is offering shuttles that run from the Ellis St. Parking Lot to the main Glassboro campus. The shuttles are scheduled to run every fifteen minutes.
However, junior biochemistry major and member of the Rowan Emergency Medical Squad Christine Pobega describes Lot J’s closure as “a pain in the neck.” Members of EMS are given priority to park in whichever parking lot they may choose, so long as it is not Lot X outside of Holly Pointe Commons. For the past three years, Pobega has used Lot J as her usual parking spot.
“I’m parked all the way in the police lot now,” Pobega said. “I haven’t moved my car in a week. It’s just too far to even bother walking there. Lot J was also a big commuter lot. Now there are a lot more cars in the Triad parking lot and on the gravel. They just can’t find spots anywhere else.”
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