Students and faculty shared their Rowan pride on Wednesday night as part of ProfTalk, a series of talks similar to TedTalks. For this talk, the speakers who “embrace the Rowan spirit” shared their stories just in time for Homecoming week.
Kenneth Wyche, a senior psychology major, spoke first. He defined Prof Pride as “a deep pleasure or satisfaction with your Rowan experience.” Wyche’s experience included being an admissions ambassador, studying abroad in Spain and being a senator at one time.
“The journey is what makes me Rowan proud. I was 20 when I went to Rio de Janiero. I had to deal with depression, anxiety,” he said. “I had to figure out who I was. If I could go back, I would tell myself to enjoy my college experience.”

Kaitlee Francisco, a sophomore dual major in elementary and mathematics, and Mariah Francisco, a first-year graduate student getting her masters in higher education and administration, shared a #rowanproud video they made with their brother Ryan Francisco, a senior mathematics and secondary education major. Together they talked about their own journey and involvement that made them “Rowan proud.”
“I’m proud of the school’s commitment to bettering itself and its community,” said Sam Josephs, a junior mechanical engineering major, “I became proud to be a part of Rowan After Hours. I was so proud that I decided to take on more responsibilities as the marketing coordinator.”
Rowan was not Joseph’s first choice for higher education. However, as he got more involved on campus, he started to love his school.
“Prof pride is loving your school, loving it so much that you want to make it better,” Emily Ostrowski, a junior psychology major, said.
Someone told her that “if you do college right, not only does it change you, it changes the university. Make it the place you want it to be.”
For John Schneider, a chemistry major, Rowan is family. Since being in Rowan, he has been involved with activities as diverse as the tennis team and the chemical engineering program. His Rowan spirit comes from his involvement and journey as a student.
Noah Weinstein, Rowan’s “unofficial mascot” who works in the Academic Success Center, can be spotted across campus wearing his gold Rowan gear.
“I have school spirit,” Weinstein said. “If you’ve ever been to a sporting event you’ve probably seen me cheering.”
David Miller, a senior in mathematics, came to ProfTalks to support his friends who were speaking.
“The ProfTalks helped broaden my view,” Miller said. “I can learn from other people’s experiences.”
For Miller, Rowan pride means “being happy to wear Rowan shirts and going to Rowan events.”
The next ProfTalk will be about disability awareness. It will be held on Oct. 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the Chamberlain Student Center in the Owl’s Nest.
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