On Tuesday, Jan. 28, Rowan University held a Meet the Brothers event to introduce students to fraternities. Meet the Brothers is an event where you meet different fraternity brothers from many different organizations. These include the National Pan-Hellenic Council, the Greek Cultural Organization, National Panhellenic Council, and Interfraternity Council. The goals of each fraternity are to raise money for causes and to create bright young men.
Evan Meloro is a brother in the fraternity Phi Psi. Phi Psi is a fraternity in the Interfraternity Council. Meloro mainly described the fraternity and what makes it unique compared to other fraternities on campus.
“We have the strongest brotherhood on campus. We are a service fraternity. We are not afraid to accept everyone as long as they’re chill,” said Meloro.
Meloro also described the requirements of getting into the Phi Psi fraternity.
“The requirements to get into Phi Psi is to get a 2.5 GPA in academics and the brothers click with you and you click with brothers,” said Meloro.
Meloro talked about what community service opportunities Phi Psi offers.
“At Phi Psi we do an event called Adopt a Family. Adopt a Family is a philanthropy event that donates Christmas gifts to less fortunate families. We also make sandwiches for Camden Cathedral which is a soup kitchen in Camden. The brothers make $250 to $300, all donated to less fortunate people in the community,” said Meloro.
AJ Johnston and Clarence Manos are brothers in the fraternity Kappa Sigma. Kappa Sigma is a fraternity in the Interfraternity Council. They explained that brothers in Kappa Sigma are laid back and like to play video games. They also explained the fraternity does a lot of community service for people in the military and breast cancer awareness.
Seth Gray, a senior brother in Phi Beta Sigma described his fraternity and what they offer to Rowan’s campus. Phi Beta Sigma is an academic and social fraternity at Rowan University. Its focus is to invest in its members and help them get a job.
“One of the most unique things about Phi Beta Sigma is that it invests in its members. Whether that is career development or social opportunity this frat helps you make connections for the future,” said Gray.
Gray also mentions what the requirements are to get into Phi Beta Sigma.
“The requirement to get into Phi Beta Sigma is to get a 2.5 GPA, two letters of recommendation, and credits,” Gray said. “People can join after the second semester.”
Gray also mentioned the main community service events Phi Beta Sigma does around campus.
“We organize a monthly food drive in Paulsboro every month. We donate food to families in need and are open to anyone in the area,” said Gray.
Rush week can be an exciting time to get to know all the brothers in the fraternities for interested students. Some of the best advice brothers give to potential people who are interested in rushing is to do your research, talk to other fraternities, and make sure you resonate with the brothers.
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