This is a weekly installment of Craig Murdoch's column series, "Dazed and Crazed."
Nature has never really cared for or been an antagonist toward humans. It is indifferent. Sometimes we will look out...
This is a weekly installment of Craig Murdoch's column series, "Dazed and Crazed."
In America especially, but also the rest of the world, we value freedom immensely. Or at least the idea of freedom. The...
This is a weekly installment of Craig Murdoch's column series, "Dazed and Crazed."
It is coming to be that time of year again. All Americans' favorite holiday — Black Friday. It seems so ironic that...
This is a weekly installment of Craig Murdoch's column series, "Dazed and Crazed."
Tensions are high in America. We just had the deadliest mass shooting in American history in Las Vegas. Then two more...
This is a weekly installment of Craig Murdoch's column series, "Dazed and Crazed."
Political labels are often given too much clout. They divide us in a stupid way because people have so many different...
This is a weekly installment of Craig Murdoch's column series, "Dazed and Crazed."
I am going in deep with this one. It seems so impossible to talk about the meaning of life. It is the go to topic when...
This is a weekly installment of Craig Murdoch's column series, "Dazed and Crazed."
Freedom of speech can surprisingly be a contentious issue with some people. Personally, I am a free speech absolutist....
This is a weekly installment of Craig Murdoch's column series, "Dazed and Crazed."
On Sept. 11, 2001, America changed immensely, though the idea of it stayed the same as it has for as long as America...
Since Las Vegas, it is weighing heavily on me that we cannot seem to unify as a nation under any circumstances. It used to take mass shootings or a massive terrorist attack to attach humanity to one another,...
When I was a junior in high school we had an assembly in which four or five inmates from the county jail talked to us about not screwing up, choosing the right path and all of the other cliches everyone...
The land of the free ironically has the highest prison population in the world. The United States has 5 percent of the world population, yet roughly 20-25 percent of the world’s prison population. Does...
What is the proper way to react when your deeply held beliefs are challenged? It can be difficult to confront the reality that you may have believed something so firmly yet you were wrong about it. It...