Rowan After Hours brought Andrew Fisher, a notable deaf comedian, to perform on Thursday, Jan. 30. This event was preceded by last year’s comedy show featuring Samuel J. Comroe, a comedian diagnosed...
Dear Destiny,
Where do I find someone to date? I’m tired of being single. – Dating Woes
Dear Dating Woes,
Honey, if you find out, please tell me. I feel as though I tell my readers...
Dear Destiny,
I suck at New Year’s resolutions. Every year I make them and nothing ever sticks. What do I do? – Unresolved Resolutions
Dear Unresolved Resolutions,
I love the beginning...
Sometimes as I walk hand-in-hand through the snow, I reflect on how happy I am. In a matter of days, I completely changed my life around. I left my big city job, broke up with my ex-boyfriend and started...
Dear Destiny,
I’m dating this guy and he’s honestly not what I thought he was. When I met him at a party he was smooth talking, nice and really thoughtful. Flash forward a few weeks and I realize...
#Nocap, but Thanksgiving is the worst holiday of the year. There, I said it.
I’m sorry for the holiday discourse, but I’ve been living a lie for far too long. This year, as I watch Thanksgiving...
Dear Destiny,
I don’t want to come home for Thanksgiving. My parents are homophobic and strict Catholic republicans and I just came out as gay in college. For the past semester, I’ve been...
Dear Destiny,
I’m weirdly attracted to my boss. She’s an older woman, but I just turned 19. It’s like there isn’t any age difference between us. We’ve been hanging out a lot lately after...
Whoever came in from the bitter cold into the Chamberlain Student Center on Friday was welcomed by a warm atmosphere that felt almost like being transported into a different era.
The Student Center...
Dear Destiny,
When is it OK to cut someone out of my life? I realized that my friend isn’t a good friend to me. She’s manipulative and I realized that she’s been talking behind my back...
Everyone knows the story of Cinderella. A young peasant girl is treated badly by her stepfamily. A handsome prince throws a ball. A fairy godmother gives Cinderella a beautiful dress. And boom! She meets...
I am graduating soon, but I have no idea what I want to do with my degree just yet. My professors and family members are constantly asking me about this and trying to give me advice, but I’m feeling...