While this summer’s “Wonder Woman” smashed through the box office with a triumphant showing from Gal Gadot, “Justice League,” the latest installment in DC’s cinematic universe, sought to bring...
The dead have risen.
Well, not quite.
Rowan University’s first annual Humans vs. Zombies kicked off Oct. 30 at the stroke of midnight.
Organized by Rowan University’s Quidditch Team and Alpha...
Dodgeball, the classic schoolyard sport of intense teamwork and physicality.
While typically seen in gym class or on the playground, Rowan’s Student University Programmers (SUP) partnered with the...
The first Profs Spotlight of the fall semester brought music and comedy to the Profs Place stage last Monday.
Profs Spotlight, organized by the Chamberlain Student Center and Campus Activities (SCCA),...
Color Me Rowan Weekend is returning yet again at the end of this month, with a variety of events bringing Rowan together for the start of another fall semester.
With festivities such as Blacklight Dodgeball,...
While finals week may be just over the horizon, Hollybash brought students out to the Hollybush Green for one last day of fun this past weekend.
Organized by the Student University Programmers (SUP) through...
While the end of the spring semester may be just around the corner, the Rowan Student University Programmers (SUP) are hard at work at bringing the second annual Hollybash to life.
Hollybash started...
That time of the year is upon us—WrestleMania season.
For those who aren't fans of professional wrestling or World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), WrestleMania is the Super Bowl of this sports-entertainment...
While months removed from Halloween and all things scary, the Rowan Department of Theatre and Dance's “Season of Horror” will be reaching its conclusion at the start of April with its production of...
Bringing a range of poetry, comedy and music to the Profs Place stage, the Profs Spotlight event returned this past Monday, right at the cusp of Spring Break.
Showcasing new performers and returning faces...
During the "$1,000 or $10,000 Bingo?" event at Pfleeger Hall, Rowan’s Office of Student Activities (OSA) announced Mike Posner will be headlining Hollybash at the end of the spring semester.
Over the summer, parks were filled to the brim with trainers young and old, all gathered together for a common cause - catching Pokémon.
The hype, like many passing trends, died out after a few months...