“Five Nights at Freddy’s (FNAF)” continues the downward spiral of video game adaptations onto the big screen. The film is riddled with jump scares, subplots, and uninspired dialogue; the film doesn’t...
The cannabis industry has taken the state of N.J. by storm, which is why Rowan's Rorher College of Business held a career fair called, "Careers in Cannabis Industry Networking Night" on Nov. 1, at Business...
Rowan Alternative Music (RALT) and Riley Van Oyen presented "Back to the Graveyard" on Oct. 28. This Halloween-themed concert brought in an enormous and enthusiastic costume-wearing crowd.
This event...
“Talk to Me,” opens with a gripping moment of sudden violence that leaves the audience enthralled and wanting more. It takes a cliche horror movie troupe of a possessed item and makes it its own while...
Vicki’s Tacos is the newest restaurant that is gaining notoriety for its variety of Mexican food but above all, its tacos. This is a family-owned business that is located on the corner of 114 High St....
The CANstruction Competition took place at the SHOP courtyard on Wednesday, Oct. 11. The event was sponsored by the Chamberlain Student Center and Campus Activities which ran from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The...
Hispanic Heritage Month shines a spotlight on the voices, journeys, and experiences of the Hispanic/Latino community. “Made in America” tells the story of an undocumented student who is in college,...
High Grounds Coffee Roasters is a brand-new coffee shop that is setting itself apart with its vast selection of coffee. This new coffee shop, located on the corner of 100 High St., stands out amongst...
Jimmy O. Yang brought the jokes, and the Rowan community brought the laughter. On Sept. 30, the annual fall comedy show, which is put together by Rowan After Hours (RAH) and the Student University Planners,...
The Rowan women’s soccer team defeated Kean University in their New Jersey Athletic Conference (NJAC) opener on Friday, Sept. 22, with a final score of 4-0. Starting forward Olivia Giordano and starting...
The Rohrer College of Business held its second annual Rohrer Fest on Thursday, Sept. 14 on the Business Hall lawn from 1 - 5:30 p.m.
The success of last year's festival, which celebrated the 50th anniversary...