We’ve all had our fair share of bad days. Whether it’s failing the test you could have sworn you aced, or even waking up at 9:15 for your 8 a.m. because your phone alarm never went off. Bad days are...
“You’re a slut.”
Slut-noun: (derogatory)
A woman who has many casual sexual partners.
Synonyms: promiscuous woman, prostitute; whore.
A woman with low standards of cleanliness.
It feels like you’ve been hit with a ton of bricks. Standing bare-skinned in front of that mirror, turning your body in every direction possible, just to see if there’s an angle that makes you feel...
Self-image is probably one of the hardest concepts to ‘accept’. As a 20-year-old woman, I am supposed to be fit, but not too muscular or else that is considered ‘manly.' I am supposed to be witty,...