When the Vatican receives word of the mysterious circumstances surrounding the suicide of a nun in Central Romania at the Carta Monastery, Father Burke (Demián Bichir), a so-called miracle hunter, and...
In Columbus, Ohio, in 2045, the orphan Wade Watts (played by Tye Sheridan) lives in “The Stacks,” a community resembling towers of mobile homes. Following events referred to as “The Bandwidth Riots,”...
The Rowan University Art Gallery at 301 High St. hosted the opening of an exhibition from the Rowan Arts Collective on Monday. Displays of pieces curated by the collective were shown as well as the first,...
On a cool night, nothing sounded better than pizza and beer. Upon visiting Cinder Bar, the experience they created with that classic combo far surpassed my expectations.
Cinder Bar serves their specialty...
Pfleeger Concert Hall was once again brimming last Tuesday night with the enormous presence of Rowan’s own vocal groups for "Rowan Sings." The Women’s Chorus, Men’s Chorus, Concert Choir, Profecy...
The 2018 Battle of the Bands brought a variety of Rowan musical acts to the Chamberlain Student Center over the weekend. Hosted by Rowan After Hours and Student University Programmers, the competition...
On Monday night, the Rowan Percussion Ensemble hosted their spring concert at Pfleeger Hall. The ensemble, consisting of 12 students, performed five songs for mallet ensemble under the direction of Matthew...
Rowan’s Lab Theatre is known for addressing hard issues through their performances like violence, abuse, sexual assault and harassment. However, very rarely do we see all of those topics in one play...
The first Profs Spotlight of the spring semester took place this past Monday. For the first time, the event was conducted in an open-mic style, rather than requiring sign-ups in advance. This format led...
A stool, footrest and an anxious audience awaited Carlos Bedoya Thursday night in Boyd Hall. The 23-year-old Rowan alumnus took his seat at center stage with his classical guitar in hand. Without saying...
At last, the final Profs Spotlight for 2017 arrived this past Tuesday. Patrons of Profs Place were treated to student performances of R&B songs, pop hits, ‘70s folk music, Christmas tunes and, as...
Wednesday night was the sixth Rowan Laugh Off Comedy Competition, where 13 student comedians competed for the grand prize of $300 and an opportunity to open for the improv comedy group, the Second Place...