From Dec. 5-8, the Rowan University Theatre and Dance Department presented Come Together, an original dance cabaret. This show was directed by Dr. Leslie Elkins, Dr. Christopher M. Roche, and Jessica Arnold...
On Sunday, Nov. 17, Dance Extensions hosted its fourth annual DEXT-A-THON, a six-hour marathon of open dance classes for university students and community members. These covered a range of styles and catered...
Shakespeare's text could be difficult to understand for someone unfamiliar with his terminology. For Danih-Lael Alexandre and Ilana Leshowitz, who performed “The Tempest” at Rowan University, it became...
Alumni, students, faculty, and more gathered in the Pfleeger Concert Hall this past Saturday, Oct. 5 for the Rowan Dance Festival Gala Performance.
According to Rowan’s website, The Rowan Dance...