Get Involved
Want to meet new people, develop new skills and be involved with a group on campus? Join the staff at The Whit! Listed below are the answers to some of the questions you may have about joining our team.
Do I have to be a journalism major?
No! We welcome contributors of all majors. Some of the majors of our editorial staff have included geology, radio, television and film (RTF), music industry, writing arts, English, international studies and modern languages and linguistics. All you need is the passion and desire to participate.
What kinds of things does The Whit cover?
We have five sections that you can write for: news, features, sports, opinion and arts and entertainment. Each section covers primarily Glassboro and Rowan events and news, with some state and national stories mixed in. The opinion section is open to submissions, while the other section editors assign stories to be covered.
There is also the multimedia section, which produces photos and videos to accompany articles and to stand alone.
When are meetings?
Meetings are typically held on Wednesdays at 5 p.m. in Bozorth, room 108, and are NOT mandatory unless you are on the editorial staff. However, attending meetings is a great way to network with other Whit staff.
Note: During the Spring 2021 semester, physical presence at meetings will be restricted to editorial staff due to the ongoing pandemic until otherwise noted.
What is required of me as a member of The Whit?
We don’t have any minimum requirements to be considered a member of The Whit, you can write and contribute as often as you’d like. Keep in mind that the more experience you have contributing will help enhance your skills, give you valuable resume experience and keep you connected with the editors and other staff members.
All writers are considered contributors when they first start. Once you have written three articles, you will be considered a staff writer.
I don’t like writing but I want to be involved. Are there any other opportunities?
Absolutely! Aside from writing, creating The Whit involves multimedia skills, including photography, videography and more. We are open to any ideas for content that you may have. As we live in an increasingly digital world, having content relevant to the Rowan community in myriad formats is important to us.
Aside from multimedia and digital opportunities, we are always looking for copy editors to fact-check articles and correct them for AP style and other mechanics of writing. Copy editors also take a look at the actual publication layout and make sure everything looks as clean as possible.
How do I become an editor?
We hold editor elections at the end of the spring semester. The best way to be elected to a position is to show through your work that you are a dedicated member of The Whit, or that you have relevant experience to the position you are going for.
Where do I start?
Each of the editors has their own email address and mailing list for article assignments. If you are interested in contributing to any of the sections, please email the corresponding editor:
- News:
- Features:
- Arts & Entertainment:
- Sports:
- Multimedia:;
If you are interested in contributing to the opinion section or being a copy editor, please email with your submission and/or inquiry.
Still have questions about The Whit? Shoot us an email at or tweet @TheWhitOnline.